effects of urbanization on the extended family in ghana

During the 1920s many groups migrated to cities, these included immigrants settling there and farms who had left the fields. Nearly 32% of Sub-Saharan Africa lived in urban areas in 1996, up from 11% in 1950. According to him, urbanization occurred mainly because of rural-urban migration and not the other factors that people believe. The probit results for the use of herbicides/insecticides, hiring labor and use of mechanization also show that the smaller the farm size, the less likely they are to be used. Some of the bad being overpopulation. The South corresponds closely to the forest and coastal agroecological zones, which also have their own well-defined farming systems (Chapter 4). The limited housing units available for consumption are not affordable to the urban poor. effects of urbanisation on urban livelihoods. Agricultural value added shows the same pattern: in developed countries it is around 2% of GDP, but in Africa is still very high at 30.5%. %PDF-1.7 flooding in our towns and cities as a result of encroachment upon wetlands and non-enforcement Email: paus160@yahoo.com The North also corresponds closely to the savanna and transition agroecological zones, and hence has its own well-defined farming systems (Chapter 4). An alternative approach would be to capture the effect of proximity to cities using a gravity model as done by Binswanger-Mkhize et al. As discussed in earlier chapters, urbanization in Ghana has not been driven by an agricultural revolution and the development of a labor-intensive manufacturing sector but by rapid growth in the services sector. (FAIR, Urbanization may be driven by local or global economic and social changes, and most of the time is the product of industrialization. Urbanization is causing economic transformation in Africa, confirmed when we observe industry and services. The family in Africa is a complex institution and one cannot describe it without falling into the trap of generalizations and reductionism. As a first step in our typology, we therefore differentiate between two major regions based on both the northsouth divide and agroecological conditions. Traffickers keep victims subservient through physical violence, debt bondage, passport confiscation and threats of violence against their families. Using mixed methods, this paper explored the conditions under which The individual existed in connection to a larger group, including his or her wider family. The result has been a substantial decline in the share of households who depend primarily on agriculture. So many things good and bad happened with urbanization. Employment in industry The regression analysis is also consistent with the narratives of Chapter 6 in terms of the relationship between farm size and use of modern inputs. Thus, rather than any pattern of induced fertilizer adoption from urbanization, these data suggest that the main drivers of increased fertilizer use may have been a) the need to maintain soil fertility and crop yields in the North as fallow periods were shortened, and b) possibly the introduction the governments fertilizer subsidy policy in 2007/8. Resilient and competitive urban areas depend on rapid, reliable and efficient transportation Looking at the changes between 2005/6 and 2012/13, the biggest decline in the North was in the rural districts without cities, where it fell proportionally more among nonagricultural than agricultural households. Population and Housing Census 2000. Based on this idea of S curve, he predicts an end to urbanization. efforts are not put in place to curtail the situation. Table 5.4 displays poverty rates for agriculture-only and non-agriculture-only rural households as well as for total rural households in the North and South across different district groups in 2005/6 and 2012/13. The urbanization of America has changed so many cities and city life. It was possibly where one learned about God, spirits, ancestors and the afterlife. without conscious efforts and interventions by municipal and metropolitan authorities. urban poor have been abandoned to its fate. There has been substantial migration of workers from rural to urban areas, alongside substantial employment growth in the rural nonfarm economy, leading to a decline in the share of workers remaining in agriculture (Figure 5.2). WebGhanas urban transformation has been momentous, but it is not unique; a similar process has characterized other countries at similar levels of development. Although the South covers a much smaller land area than the North, the 2010 census shows that 73 percent of the total population and 63 percent of the rural population live in the South. HlRn0+HBiv[EAM;,d.I9rgfga#`?D&n4H$9294f(@ >aP6((9pXW =z"$k*n7PS2MSSVgZk. must be made to minimise the effects, and thus enhance or maximise the benefits of the process. wetlands in urban areas of Ghana are not been properly managed by urban managers as people Despite this exit, the share of rural agriculture-only households remains high in district groups without big and secondary cities in both the North and South, averaging 46 percent even in the South in 2010. Pingali, Prabhu, Yves Bigot, and Hans P. Binswanger. Similar studies have found correlations between the size of a city and its impact on the surrounding rural areas (e.g., Berdegue et al. socio-economic importance associated with urbanisation, it has some negative effects on urban Only in the areas with relatively larger cities did non-agriculture-only households dominate in the rural areas in 2010. Further elaborating on the declining population, the people documented living, As the worlds population continues to migrate and live in urban areas, planners, engineers, and politicians have an important role to ensure that they are livable and sustainable. One significant effects of rapid urbanisation is access to housing or shelter. From 1850 to 1900 America completely changed from its agricultural state into a new industry based society. We ignore a small percentage of rural households that do not report any primary employment. By far the largest share of nonagricultural employment in the rural areas is in informal activities, and this is true for all district groups in both census years. Some of the rehabilitation of the deteriorating housing was publicly subsidized, but the majority was financed by the private market. The family and home which are supposed to be the safest space for men, women and children have become sites of struggle, pain, abuse, neglect and disintegration. Based on that definition, the novel, Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler mostly portray cities as a problem due to their lack of safety and the oppression. This leads to a total of seven groups of districts in Ghana, three in the North and four in the South. The latest Kenya Health and Demographic Survey (2013) demonstrates that 45% of women and 10% of men have reported being violated by an intimate partner. The induced innovation hypothesis predicts that urbanization and associated increases in population density and market access should lead to more intensive farming practices, both in terms of land-use patterns and the choice of technologies. XAsiYvPeI{[nPuraXi:" E9z I would like to mention just a few, which in my opinion are relevant to this topic. dSqR'!+@'^<6=+G}W_>&CJJ8osh+|J^K CLYn=\;fWG%~u1yj4oxK6ePm}C1}|X3 }qi-@sn"b drhJf. Some insights about this can be gained from the GLSS data. This problem is being handled by increasing border patrol and improve the Visa work program. In the documentary The ten Town That Changed America Geoffrey Baer illustrates the evolution of ten popular cities of the 21st century America. Though transport operators are making profit which is contributing to Table 5.6 also shows an inverse relationship between the degree of urbanization of a district and the share of farmers using fertilizer in both the North and South, i.e., the lower the level of urbanization for a district group, the higher percentage of farmers that use fertilizer. Notes: Farm size is based on cultivated area. However, this approach requires data that is not available for Ghana. infrastructure and services. Urbanization has diversified rural livelihood opportunities, leading to significant growth in the share of rural households engaged primarily in the nonfarm economy. Employment in industry varies from 6.1% in less urbanized areas to 26.1% in the most urbanized areas. ^US^AW{L.zPdJ]yp1.2g|J]Q(>O-Fg\hG8OYO=ZH9u ] A&Xcw kC]7bQay 2J|l``]Mkw0&%c";W?v^[N]FqYqj89JHywR.^2r@d WebAbstract Individualization of the family system in Ghana has implications for residential housing access particularly in urban areas. Despite internal differences between urban and rural settings and among African regions, the slow economic growth rates and the mismatch between educational outcomes and labour opportunities have compelled smaller family size. This was mirrored by an almost equivalent pattern of decline in the shares of agriculture-only rural households in the South and the district group with 2nd-tier cities in the North. The spatial morphology of urban areas cannot be Traffickers keep victims subservient through physical violence, debt bondage, passport confiscation and threats of violence against their families. One cause of overpopulation is the many people illegally immigrating to America. Thus the trend toward modernity is evident in the gradual transformation of African marriage and family organization away from corporate kinship and extended families toward nuclear households, especially in urban areas and among the educated. The family is also marked by tensions between African cultural values, Christian teachings, secularism, religions and other ideologies. The four paramount changes that occured during Americas urbanization period were new immigration, the build up of cities (skyscrapers and mass transit), living conditions, and boss rule and the rise of mass consumption. Over the past 160 years the population of people living in rural areas, defined as areas with a population density below 400 people per square kilometre, has steadily declined. Webbetween urbanization and the prevalence of contraceptives and reductions in fertility, surveys conducted in Kenya suggest that precipitous declines have affected all The UN projects that nearly 50% of the Sub-Saharan Africa population will be urban by 2025. employment opportunities, wealth creation leading to increase in income, municipal These patterns of change in household employment have also led to spatial patterns of change in the incidence of poverty. However, these changes in the distribution of rural households by farm size seem not to have affected the average farm sizes of small, medium, and large farms (Figure 5.5). During the 1970s, there was a decline in the housing in inner cities, which caused the push to rehab the deteriorating housing near the central business districts. Africas record of civil war, conflict, and political instability has also to a large extent contributed to migration and the disintegration of the African family. The following outlines some of the This is no coincidence: no All rights reserved. policies and measures to curtail the menace of rapid urbanisation to achieve sustainable citizenry. Urbanization trends indicate The available housing units are also designed to serve middle and high income earners leaving governments able to provide infrastructure services at cheaper cost due to concentration and WebThe maintenance of large households and extended family relations is seen as being inimical to urbanization and industrialization. meet the increasing population. Cities, Territories and Inclusive Growth: Unraveling UrbanRural Linkages in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico. Census data. The industrial revolution is the best example of this transformation to urban life, people wanted to upgrade their standard of living. The sign of the marginal effect for the youth dummy is not consistent and often insignificant in the regressions. The rest of the chapter is structured as follows: Section 5.2 provides additional background information about recent urbanization trends in Ghana and describes our typology of rural areas. Hopefully, the present research stimulates further investigation of the impact of early stages of urbanization and industrialization. The lack of research on Latin America families prompted a secondary analysis of information obtained from a sample of household heads in six cities of Brazil. As increasing numbers of women have joined the workforce, single and female-headed households have become a discernible pattern on the African social landscape. the expansion of their boundaries. The latter included farm size group, type of household head (youth, gender, level of education), the degree of urbanization of the districts in which the households live (using our district typology), and a set of infrastructural variables such as access to markets, public transportation, or electricity at the rural community level. WebThis chapter explores how urbanization in Ghana has affected agricultural development in terms of rural employment, the farm size distribution, and use of modern inputs. Ghana Living Standards Survey Round 5 (GLSS 5). Herbicide and insecticide use in Ghana has also increased sharply in recent years, from less than 2 percent of all farm households in 1998 to about 55 percent in 2013 (Grabowski and Jayne 2016). Municipal authorities should put in place implementation Still, only 45 percent of farmers were using either organic or inorganic fertilizer in 2012/13 (GLSS6), and the share of farmers using fertilizer was nearly twice as high in the less-urbanized North than in the more-urbanized South (Table 5.6), which can be explained by problems with declining soil fertility in the North (Chapters 4 and 6) rather than urbanization. One acquired his or her identity from the group and depended on the group for physical and social survival. % WebThe main finding was that urbanization and changes in population trends caused smallholder farm families to lose more than 70% of their farmlands to sand winners and estate In essence, these are traits attributed from an extended family household where critics such as Kwasi (2022) and ACMC (2022) further elucidate advantages from the A probit model is used to test how the probability of using different types of modern inputs is associated with urbanization, while controlling for a number of household and locational characteristics. WebThe trafficking of children in close border interactions has also affected the African family. Taking districts as our primary spatial unit using 2010 census data, each of the two regions is subdivided into four groups based on the proximity of each district to cities of different sizes. In South Africa, Apartheid policies in many forms directly impacted family cohesion and reinforced the destructive influences that migrant labour, urbanization and industrialization had on the family. The findings show though that while there has been substantial uptake of fertilizers, herbicides, and mechanization in recent years, there is only limited support that this has been driven by urbanization. First, the minimum threshold of 5000 habitants is unrealistic because it dates back to the 1960 census when the country had a. Ghana map showing the different types of districts. In both the South and North, rural households exit from agriculture has been highly correlated with proximity to cities and their population sizes. Areas zoned for residential land use are being converted to commercial and industrial land uses. Webeffects of urbanization on the extended family in ghana. Not only did countries become greatly dependent upon one another, but it has also influenced peoples lifestyles and the global economy. Urban areas are created and developed through the process of urbanization. Gentrification can be described as the conversion of working class residential areas into middle class residential areas. Of course this has brought many benefits, but resulting factors such as urbanization and the hunger for industrial and global economic growth has led to many problems, not the least of which is climate change. competitive, urban dwellers have access to high order municipal services, job creation and The main observation concerns the shift to a service economy of urbanized Africa: the most urbanized areas employ 52.6% of workers in services, the less urbanized areas 17.8%. cities by the erstwhile government during the 2000s in Ghana to address the housing needs of the urban dwellers to be sustainable, there is the need for proper shelter that meets the standard of Thus the consequence of the legacy of Apartheid is the high number of single parent families, resulting largely from pregnancy outside marriage and from divorce. This article therefore looks at The extended family was and is also a means of mutual support. It was through parents, grandparents and other members that one learned about religious and spiritual heritage.

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