white russian emigres in paris

Le Combat des Russes blancs 19301940, p.18 (Geneva: Syrtes, 2007). [16] Karel Kram, a wealthy conservative Czechoslovak politician and a Russophile worked together with Russian migrs to build an Orthodox church in Prague which Kram called in his opening speech "a monument of Slavic connection" and to "remind Russians not only of their former sufferings but also about the recognition on the side of the Slavs". This study is based mostly on declassified archives from the French police and intelligence services, especially the National Security Directorate, the Police Prefecture for Paris, and the Administrative Policy and General Intelligence for the rest of the territory. Its conspiratorial style and opportunistic claim to perpetrate violence on Soviet territories guaranteed it a certain aura. The situation was considered serious enough to warrant close police surveillance of all Russian immigrants on the Cte dAzur. The exodus developed in . [10], This was especially the case in France, the home of the largest overseas Russian community, where services honoring the events of World War I were a major part of French life after 1918, and where by honoring the Russian war dead allowed the Russian migrs in France to take part in the ceremonials, letting the migrs feel like a part of the wider French community. The term "migr" is most commonly used in France, the United States, and the United Kingdom. 12, AN/20010216/282). Supporters of the Grand Duke Kirill and far-right-oriented Russians recognized as their spiritual guide Archbishop Antony of Serbia, who had proclaimed himself independent of the Moscow Patriarchate. The International Congress of Russian Monarchists was held in Bavaria in 1921 and brought together 200 figures from 33 countries. The French branch of the Young Russians was proclaimed on March 30, 1927, and the Paris section was presided over by Prince Vladimir Krasinsky, officially the son of Grand Duke Andrei but whose paternity is rumored to be attributable to Nicholas II. Russians quickly became the third-largest contingent of immigrants in Paris: at 51,578 individuals in 1929, they lagged behind only Italy and Poland. [51] Report dated July 27, 1937, 2p., AN/20010216/283. [14] War memorials in Yugoslavia usually also honored both Serbian war dead and the members of the Czechoslovak Legions who died in the war, giving them a decidedly pan-Slavic feel. [20] Igor Zawadsky Krasmopolsky, Secretary of the All-Russian National Party, did actually garner support and subsidies from French far-right groups: Action franaise, Les Francistes, and Solidarit franaise all allegedly supported the All-Russian National Party at its inception.[21]. But in 1936 the city elected a communist deputy, whereupon right-wing extremists started to cause unrest. Some managed to leave during the 1920s and 1930s, or were expelled by the Soviet government (such as, for example, Pitirim Sorokin and Ivan Ilyin). Many White Russian migrs participated in the White movement or supported it. In 1924, he even sent his wife, Grand Duchess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha,to the United States to petition funding from Henry Ford, the anti-Semitic car magnate. The term is used in France, the United States and the United Kingdom. . [50] According to its call published in Signal, the RNSUV newspaper in France, this unification began with the agreement remotely sponsored by Berlin between the Russian Fascist Party (based in Harbin), the National Labor Union of the New Generation (Natsionalno-trudovoi soiuz novogo pokoleniia, NTSNP, based in Belgrade), the Russian Liberation National Movement (Rossiiskoe osvoboditelnoe natsionalnoe dvizhenie) (ROND, based in Berlin), and the RNSUV. [29], In France, the Coty-funded organization also relayed the documentation of the International Centre for the Active Struggle against Communism (CILACC), founded in 1929 by Victor and Joseph Douilletwhose successful 1928 book was the reference used by Herg for his volume Tintin in the Land of the Soviets. 7. [10] Similarly, Russian Freemasonry, which had been proscribed in Soviet Russia, was re-established on French soil and came to include a large number of lodges: by 1933 there were two Russian lodges in Paris in the Grand Orient de France, six in the Grande Loge de France, and one in Le Droit Humain. Overall, Hitlers advent was met with enthusiasm among those Russians in France. Raeff, Marc: Russia abroad. It is in this tense context that one can observe a gradual linking of White Russian communities with international anti-communist networks. The first task of the organization was to try to build new networks in Paris.[58]. Globally, however, the rise of minorities secessionism was seen with suspicion; many White Russians believed that only Germany would protect the territorial integrity of Russia. Among them were members of the French Parti populaire of Jacques Doriot, a former communist leader who had turned to fascism. A League of Nations survey in Shanghai in 1935 found that 22% of Russian women between 16 and 45 years of age were engaging in prostitution to some extent. 14 (2010): 551. [5] PSC, report dated October 8, 1924, 4 p.; Les monarchistes russes et lItalie, November 9, 1922, AN/F/7/15943/1. The content you requested does not exist or is not available anymore. [17] RG, Les migrs russes en France et linfluence hitlrienne sur leurs groupements, January 29, 1938, pp. [7] The Nice special commissioner to the SN director, Au sujet des agissements germanophiles de quelques personnages russes officiels, dont Basile Lebedeff, August 7, 1918, 4 p., AN/20010216/282. One of the clear signs of the tendency to recreate an imperial Russia on the banks of the Seine River was the constitution of a Union of Knights of the Russian Imperial Military Order of St. George in Paris. In the aftermath of the October Revolution and the civil war, many Russians immigrated to France. Many white migrs also believed it was their duty to remain active in combat against the Soviet Union, with the hopes of liberating Russia. The nature of the link between the Whites in France and Germany is well encapsulated by the Russian Fascist Party (Russkaia fashistkaia partiia, RFP). . It even affected the domain of worship, threatening the bond between the sword and the clergy. [9] Personnalits politiques trangres qui furent victimes dattentats commis Paris au cours de ces dernires annes, March 20, 1930, 2 p., AN/F/7/13975/1. Hundreds of thousands of White Russians settled on the fringes of the former Russian Empire, in Finland, Poland and the Balkans, while others headed further west, to Prague or Berlin. This astonished White Russians; many of those who had naturalized would join the French army. Paris and the Russian exiles, 1920-1945, Kingston 1988: McGill-Queen's University Press. The Cimetire de Liers was created as the second communal cemetery on February 8, 1879 in the city of Sainte Genevive des Bois in France, 25 km south from Paris. Having lost Paris support, France-based White Russians turned to the political opposition for support. [32] PP, Note confidentielle (sous les plus extrmes rserves) A/S du CILACC, May 3, 1933, 1p.; The special commissioner in Lille to the Prefect of the North, October 22, 1933, 2p., AN/20010216/168. White migrs, called "White Russians" in East Asia, flooded into China after World War I and into the early 1920s. [8], Both left-wing and right-wing migr who otherwise passionately disagreed came together to honor the war dead of World War I, which was virtually the only occasions when overseas Russian communities could all come together, explaining why such memorial services were so important to the migr communities. 2023 Copyright France 24 - All rights reserved. Robinson, Paul: The White Russian Army in exile, 1920-1941, Oxford; New York 2002: Clarendon Press; Oxford University Press. Its goal was allegedly to restore the Russian political and territorial order that had existed prior to February 1917 by forming an alliance with Germany, Japan, and Turkey. Thanks to their shared anticommunism and antisemitism, friendly relations between the two parties developed quickly. Sasha Sokolov (born in 1943 . As for the choice of pretender to the Russian throne, the Italians were initially divided: Mussolini leaned toward Kirill, but the monarchy preferred Nikolai, since the Italian queen was his sister-in-law. France 24 - International breaking news, top stories and headlines. The most important of the emigres in Serbia was Baron Pyotr Wrangel, who led the White Russian Army in the South of the Russian Empire and, after their defeat in 1920, fled to Sremski Karlovci, a . The term is often broadly applied to . Most white migrs left Russia from 1917 to 1920 (estimates vary between 900,000 and 2 million). No one knows how this rumor arose, but it reveals the temptation to work with the French far right to defend the White cause. [30] But Prince Andrey Kuragin, the Russian secretary of the EIA and a naturalized French citizen, rejected Douillet as corrupt. [23] The extent of Russian economic dominance of Harbin could be seen that Moya-tvoya", a pidgin language combining aspects of Russian and Mandarin Chinese which developed in the 19th century when Chinese went to work in Siberia was considered essential by the Chinese merchants of Harbin. It was a front that brought together right-wing monarchists and pro-Hitlerites.[23]. Those who arrived in 1919 were better off economically. [62] International Anticommunist Entente against the 3rd International, Les Soviets se dtachent-ils de lAllemagne?, April 5, 1940, 7p. [63] Les migrs russes de France et le pacte germano-sovitique, October 26, 1939, p. 19, AN/20010216/282. A cultural history of the Russian emigration, 1919-1939, New York 1990: Oxford University Press. However, the groups name may have been mere fashion: until 1930, the individual in question had only ever expressed pro-monarchist views, and the organizations declaration of principles refers solely to royalty, with no mention of fascism. News Russian Shanghai, Belgrade and Paris. They were not only ethnic Russians but belonged to other ethnic groups as well. [22] Nicolas Glady, Les partis monarchistes russes migres Paris 19191939, Bulletin de lInstitut Pierre Renouvin 9 (2000): 84100. In 1936, when the Committee of Russian migr Organizationsthe umbrella group for the vast majority of White Russian groups in Franceappointed its members, they included 20 generals, four colonels, two admirals, a frigate captain, an archbishop, and 23 archpriests. She learned firsthand the stories of White Russian emigres who fled the Bolshevik revolution. ), Russische Emigration in Deutschland 19181941. [27] Koutepoff: psychose Paris, February 3, 1930; Meeting organis pour protester contre lenlvement du gnral Koutepoff, sous le patronage du journal La Libert et avec le concours du Bureau International Contre-rvolutionnaire, February 12, 1930, 6p., AN/F/7/13975/1. [61] RG, Les migrs russes en France et linfluence hitlrienne sur leurs groupements, January 29, 1938, p. 1, AN/20010216/282. [1] This factor is more acute evidence than the electoral results of the French section of the Communist International (9.82% of votes in the legislative elections in 1924, 15.26% in 1936), which had long faced difficulties due to the isolationist strategy of Communism in One Country. Frances institutions functioned largely on a two-round electoral system, and it was traditional for left-wing candidates to stand down in order to place themselves in the best position. [1] Most white migrs left Russia from 1917 to 1920 (estimates vary between 900,000 and 2 million). He was thus quickly deemed to be a Soviet agent. [29] PP,La Croisade des patries, May 18, 1933, 2 p., AN/1994500/240. The white migrs formed the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad in 1924. Michael Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism White migrs and the Making of National Socialism, 19171945, Cambridge 2005, Wallter Laqueur, Russia and Germany: A Century of Conflict, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1965, This page was last edited on 24 April 2023, at 15:10. They consider the period of 1917 to 1991 to have been a period of anti-Christian occupation by the Soviet regime. Their tendency to seek to establish a miniature Russia in exile sometimes provoked tensions with the French authorities: for example, the French administration had to ask Grand Duke Kirill to stop awarding decorations that competed with those of the French state. says Igor Orobchenko, a former bank worker whose father came to France with a contract to clear World War I mines. A significant percentage of white migrs may be described as monarchists, although many adopted a position of being "unpredetermined" ("nepredreshentsi"), believing that Russia's political structure should be determined by popular plebiscite. [7] The advent of Hitler strengthened their pro-Germanism, a dynamic that was reinforced by the Franco-Soviet Pact of 1935, seen as a betrayal of the Whites hopes for a tsarist restoration in Russia. [42] Les monarchistes russes et lItalie, November 9, 1922, AN/F/7/15943/1. The church continues its existence to this day, acting as both the spiritual and cultural center of the Russian Orthodox community abroad. The two rivals took different roads: Nikolai Nikolaevich fled to France and settled in his castle of Choigny near Paris, while Kirill Vladimirovich settled in Bavaria and made connections with the German monarchist and nationalist circles supported by his wife, Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

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