simurgh worm fanfiction

Sixty-two miles above the surface of the Earth, the Simurgh changed the course of her flight. Titan Skadi was there too, her blade-hand at the Simurghs back. One being that were a danger to others. A flash of golden light signaled Scions return to the scene of the fight. [33] As her silent scream is inaudible, it cannot be tracked or sensed by most individuals,[152] allowing her to subtly gather information without being detected. [143] Taylor found her appearance horrifying in the sense that it was all framed;[144] when the Simurgh's hair blew in the wind as if each strand was separate, Taylor believed it was a deliberately intimidating presentation. not having the Endbringers attack on schedule had seemed like a good thing, but now two were attacking together. The command center was vulnerable to threats like Skadi, and the latest reports were that the Titan Fortuna was getting more focused, after a spell of stillness. Greetings, Payday gang. At least 9 years[14][15] (Older than Khonsu, Bohu, and Tohu)[16][17] An attack that bypassed the forcefields. Information on the Endbringers, provided in retrospect, only after Gold Morning when the Endbringers cooperated against Scion and the attacks stopped. [189], As the strength of her signal depends on proximity, the intensity of her psychic pressure and the amount of exposure received depend on one's distance from the Simurgh. [337] The Machine Army, effectively in service to the Simurgh because of their previous exposure to her,[40][338] then arrive and open fire on Defiant and Dragon[339] as they are eager to collect their technology. [215] For non-temporary blind spots, although she cannot directly perceive them, she can potentially observe the aftermath of their actions after they occur in real time by looking at the reactions of visible individuals; she can then guess the blind spot's location using this context. -, I dont know what it is. [AltPower!Taylor / Worm] | Page 134, The Reapers - Crystalizing [Worm x Cradle Crossover], The Undersiders and the Holy Grail | Worm x Monty Python. Self-Insert story, CYOA inspired. Each of us is worth a hundred other capes, if not more. There were researchers, theorists, civil managers, stables, farms. [122], After Scion killed Eidolon, she right away started to behave strangely[2] such as appearing on the opposite side of the planet from Bohu[124] and remaining motionless. [283][284], Because her telekinesis manifests itself as a grip, the Simurgh cannot use her telekinesis on objects that are too slick to grab. Thank you so much! But in a good way. Simurgh: From High Above Seraph Ziz Thoughts as Light as a Feather Other: Continuum - Khonsu's powers Chimera These are most of them where Taylor is an Endbringer or has their powers. Dragon changed tasks, shifting to a full-on offensive, unloading every weapon she had into the dust cloud. [202] For example, despite perching on Titan Fortuna's shoulder during their precog duel,[278] Fortuna still had a hundred times the Simurgh's strength. Then she fired the guns. After a long time spent tracking down the secret group that runs the world, the beautiful women pulling the strings know exactly how to keep a man silent. [350] Yet despite all her efforts,[247] Dauntless takes action and saves Defiant. She skipped attending the Wardens' meeting. Entry, Re-Entry, Entrance . no angst, setup done, action starting almost immediately An SI controlling the Simurgh? Unmoving. A machine testing every possible password before the right answer was found, except the system being broken into was reality, and every encompassed multiple dimensions and millions of people. However, the Machine Army soon forces Dragon to focus on preventing them from collecting the Simurgh's lost body parts. Being able to lift whole buildings at her weakest and levitate them with contemptuous ease. Gossamer-fine, silver-white, straight, it blew in the wind as if each strand were a separate entity. Whether or not, the people during that era would agree with all the changes Random crossover ideas that I originally posted on She was weakened, he was relatively clear of her scream, and that weakened her predictive power. \sim()\ or \si.m()\ according to, Ridiculous, Lung repeated himself. Two ways where she, Against the Endbringers, there are really only two individuals who can stop them, drive them away. [154][155][156], The Simurgh's psychic echolocation is not interdimensional. For more information, please see our There are a few more where she takes control of them/talks to them. [138][139] When Defiant started firing G-driver blasts at her, none came to her aid. Memories of a Simurgh Victim - Diabolus ex Machina. Theres places where theres ongoing conflict (like we might point to the middle east over the past decade), places where it takes little effort on the part of the Endbringer to deal maximum devastation (ie. [326], She is recorded as being inactive for the two years since Gold Morning. The Simurgh and Wyrm, still hovering in the sky. [294], She can telekinetically grab costume parts that are not close enough to the skin to be considered an extension of the individual, allowing her to obliquely throw around these specific individuals. -. Shin is determined to investigate the Tinkertech themselves, but the Wardens send a group of their own elites, who believe the Tinkertech is tied to something more important than it seems. Manipulate situation to a position where they will connect familiar visual, olfactory and auditory cues to their immediate environment. Ah, but Ive been rude, not introducing myself. Mew's Multiversal Mischief Making- Star Wars: Star Wars/Pokemon20. Professional Status Memories of a Simurgh, Part 1: A Helping Hand. No apparent past or future. At least, not one I could detect. Could a hit from that heavy a punch conduct enough force through Behemoth to get to the Endbringer's core? They varied in size, with some extending over the whole city, while others covered the various territories. Long seconds passed. My phone lit up as a connection was established to a satellite. The Simurgh, for her part, seemed to be busy building other tinker devices, drawing on the abilities of tinkers in the immediate area. Whatever you want to go by. I didn't see anyone else think of this, but yes there is one character in Worm, that could ab-sol-ute-ly fix Star Wars, no matter the era (Well, more than one, but still). The most shocking part of it all was the, She turned to one side, and Krouse could make out her face. When the spears disruption overrode the Simurghs signal, the signal got through. -. Do we need to worry? Clockblocker asked. As a chunk of broken concrete platform floated near him, he sprayed it with a gush from the syringe. Apparently this isn't crack. [229] Although signal strength is the most important factor in determining scream volume,[178] the more sustained exposure one receives, the worse and louder this imagined sound becomes. [91], After Eidolon's death, the Simurgh explicitly intends to recreate her creator to satisfy her drive to war against him. [88] Eidolon, who has Eden's counterpart shard to Scion's Queen Administrator,[120] created her via the shard network[121] out of Eden's[122][123] pool of emergency resources. Probably wouldn't draw his notice until people with shards started leaving in any greater number. Status [320] This was a factor in Canary having a highly biased trial that sent her to the birdcage.[321]. [206][177], The Simurgh is unable to borrow powers from blind spots. -. Cody seemed functional, if vaguely unhinged, but hed had the flashbacks as well. [42][43] According to Tattletale, the typical shard lacks human rationales, plays the long game, and follows a set goal. Fun in Warcraft: The Simurgh, a Warcraft + Worm Crossover fanfic The revelation of Cauldron to the larger parahuman community and the subsequent schisms in The Protectorate was likely planned. She could see normally, but the effect on her powers was absolute. She manipulates the wind as she affected the water. As chunks of concrete came free of the ruined ends of the structures, they too orbited her, a protective shield. Tattletale was caught up in a conversation with Knave of Clubs, and fell under the Simurghs shadow. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Normal one-shots and such might appear here as well. 1. Veins crawled across his costume, yellow, and the fabric turned yellow where it had been pink. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Saw Svetas hurt, as she held one arm to a bicep, where tendrils were especially active. Defiant! I called over. Her power looks like luck manipulation but is actually microtelekinesis and precognition/butterfly effects at work. When shed attacked Manchester, Id been barred from joining the fight by bureaucratic red tape. JavaScript is disabled. very nice. Controlled randomness threw wrenches into the works, keeping minds agile and forcing them to adapt. With no satellites to use for remote access except the ones she deployed after passing through the portal, she was limited in what she could do. My agenda is and always has been whats best for humanity. Several satellites orbit Earth Bet for applications in communication,[52][53][54][55] internet,[56][57] TV,[58][59] observation,[60][61] imagery,[62][63] and Dragon backups. It would have some blend of her powers and Myrddins. [116], The Simurgh has a tendency to fight defensively. [Worm CYOA 1 Endbringer SI] + [Eldritch Revelation CYOA]. -. The armband beeped, then beeped again a second later. [336] Using the cover provided by the surrounding ruined cityscape, she tries to dodge the relentless attacks from Dauntless until she eventually gets close enough for Fortuna's group to make its move, causing Dauntless to stop his attacks. She knew Riley Grace Davis, and was recognizable as a member of the flock. -, She rotated in the air, holding her position, wings flat at her sides. It is sometimes equated with other mythological birds such as Arabic Anq, Persian Hom or Turkic Kerks, Semrug, Semurg, Samran, and Samruk. I knew that Cody was the most affected by the Simurgh (after Noelle), as, like Noelle, he was already unstable/in an emotional state before the whole business started out. Hes staying out of reach with flight, and he said something before about a danger sense. The Simurgh had approached from the far side of the moon and descended to hover just above the tallest building in Lausanne. The Morrgan (Unviable Clone-Hybrid)[18][19] Praise be to sky waifu! [267] If relevant Tinkers are not nearby, she can only make cosmetic changes to her tinker devices. A lot sillier than what I was thinking but it was still great. Butterflies. Agatha H. and the Bay of Capes: Girl Genius/Worm3. [167], If desired, the Simurgh can choose to emit a signal with less strength than normal. Hormone secretions increase. And he was putting it all into effect. Phone lines are down, satellites are struggling with all of the interference. Things are better this time, Sveta said. The various fragments, the little things, the bodies and pieces of furniture, they became part of a protective maelstrom around the Simurgh, orbiting her and blocking the barrage of long-range fire that the good guys were directing at her. [222][223][224], The psionic signal of her active scream exerts a psychic pressure[153][169] that the minds of living beings (e.g., animals and people[12]) interpret as an impossibly high and drawn out scream. To make the psychic scream audible, for lack of a better word, purely for spreading fear, then use it subtly at a time when she wasnt attacking. - Wildbow on Reddit, archived on Spacebattles, He likely had the means of creating the moon bubbles and tertiary systems and life support and keeping it running but maintenance starts getting tricky. Characters and fandoms with be added as I go along. I approve! He didnt like the idea that the others were doing that poorly. It is unknown what the outcome of this event was. [244][245] Despite enduring the Simurgh's constant psychic pressure for an extended duration in close proxmity,[246][247] Dauntless successfully held onto his sanity and fought against her during her final flight. Someone whod snapped and become hostile? is a Worm AU fanfic, centering on protagonist Taylor Hebert after her father's death leads to a different trigger event and a much different power. That wasnt necessarily a good thing, as relieving as it felt right this minute. Other times, they disappear into darkness, obscured by another power. Read it at Sufficient Velocity or at And you stopped in the middle of a conversation. Family -. [328] But returned back after the threat had passed. The endless loop of trying to logic my way through emotional issues and emotion my way through logic, when neither would serve. They might terminate our connection to the computer database via the satellite feed, but not the lights. -, You state your location as the north end of Brockton Bay, profess to have a generator and satellite internet. Behemoth had been created to break stasis, Leviathan to take away resources in space and land, forcing communities into conflict as they were made to relocate. He conceded to pick up the phone and read what shed typed. [69][70][71][72][73][74][75] On one occasion, she physically intercepted the path of a transmission to a satellite with her body; her dense signature gave off strange signals[76] that scrambled this transmission, which stopped Dragon from getting information from Panacea. [148] This kind of psychic echolocation allows her to scan her surroundings[153] and gather information to inform her precognition/postcognition. [84] Jess claimed Sphere was working on a clean energy source to power whole cities;[85] he was already a vulnerable target because of his other major projects. Yeah, I get it. As for as the world is concerned, Taylor Hebert may as well have died months ago. My coat. [221] It also opened a window of opportunity afterward: the discombobulated Endbringer could only leverage prior information about the surrounding facility[156] and had to restart her warm-up information gathering phase once this temporary blind spot effect disappeared. There was no reality she could interpret where the result wasnt entirely to her favor. is a Worm AU fanfic, centering on protagonist Taylor Hebert after her father's death leads to a different trigger event and a much different power. [204] Note that Scion[212] and Eidolon[213][214] can also use precognition if needed. Ziz Taylor triggers with Simurgh powers She seemed human, but fifteen or so feet tall, waif-thin, and unclothed. The titan. Scan this QR code to download the app now, giantess dommy mommy god-queen kuudere gf. Missing wings were growing back, and her lower body existed as a series of feathers, touching end to end, or end to middle. So, Simmy, Eidolon made you, or hes been enough of an opponent that youve kind of got that weird, Fine? Cody growled. Gender And I really started to downright hate when SIs go all gaga over her. Agitation 3.11 (Mentioned)Interlude 10.5Migration 17.1 (Flashback)Interlude 28 (Pseudo PoV) The Simurgh (Pronounced "see-MOORG" or "SEE-moorg" in US English[35] and "sim-MOORG" in UK English[36]) is one of the three original Endbringers, alongside Behemoth and Leviathan. For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Slow, calm, the subjects. She can think ahead to endgame, and we dont know how to play. -, The silver woman was silent, but the silence spoke volumes. Behemoth can generate electromagnetic waves that wipe out electronics. For more information, please see our We thought we had a bit longer, Tattletale said. Flim-Flam Every Nation 2-Gumshoe Glory: Worm/Carmen Sandiego19. Answer the questions, Chris, Sveta said. A lot like a limb waking up from falling asleep, just everywhere. He took evasive action as more of the Machine Armys lasers sought to cut him to pieces. This was the result of a heist- a REAL one. -, Dauntless fought the Simurgh, striking out, over and over again, every time she pulled out of cover. She sings, and subjects stationed here are immediately on guard. Whatever this is. -, In the aftermath, he gets a lion's share of the credit in the Endbringer defeat like Eidolon did with the Simurgh in Madison. We know theres some rules they follow, though we dont know why. Probably. Im not boasting when I say this. Lord knows someone should do that for at least one Taylor Hebert. Cookie Notice It looked like he was holding a remote control. -. There was little left but the handle and the base of the sword. Any crossovers will be marked as such in the chapter titles. The bird was standing on the floor of its home, slowly, steadily and monotonously banging its head against the raised metal lip of the cage. Fair bit of anger, room for some vengeance. I can tell you, dont let your guard down. [228] As a result of the Manton effect, she also cannot manipulate materials close to the skin, such as bodysuits[228] and presumably explosive armbands. But what if the Simurgh decided to take a more direct role in shaping Taylor's story? Bonus points if the Simurgh is the main character. I positioned the right people in the right places. A little story about the Simurgh learning to be human and going to high school. [88] However, because he unknowingly built her from greater structures intended to salvage a situation where the host species eliminated itself, she also has a drive to collect, consolidate, and sort information[89] produced by parahumans and humanity in a world of conflict. [236][234] Authorities such as Legend recommend individuals retreat when they are between the code yellow and code red thresholds, or even earlier to play it safe. She doesnt have her hooks in you, but she- Tattletales voice was cut off as she got clear of a cascade of bits of ceiling, high above us. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. Digital readouts read that the Custodian Titan was active in the area. The forcefield grabbed the woman by the waist, still holding her arms. I walked her further up the stairs, and then used my aura, keeping the range contained to a matter of feet, the effect the closest thing I could approximate to calm. A woman with a black costume, a heavy cape and straight black hair flowing from the back of her helmet led the charge. That's the problem; it's not beating them, it's not destroying everything else in the process. The kind that would cover this whole colony, and then some, I said. [334] Antares was able to turn the tide by disabling the Giant and temporarily blinding the Simurgh to the people present with Dinah Alcott's help. I, Endbringer, a worm fanfic | FanFiction Most writers when they interact their SI with Taylor, lose control of the plot and change it into Fix Fic with Taylor as VIP star. "I'm really sorry about that, I only meant to send him flying away for 3 Mississippi not14.65 Mississippi. Capes were turned into bloody smears as she collided with them, and the Simurgh was driven to the very far edge of the settlement, to the beaches at the edge of the bay. That hadnt been him. A little story about the Simurgh learning to be human and going to high school. -, He became newsworthy when he took on a project to build self sustaining biospheres on the moon. Thirty years in the future, a child was programmed. Seen as the most cunning and intelligent of the three, the Simurgh uses her precognition to employ long term schemes, each with Rube-Goldberg sequences of events, culminating in grave disasters and tragedies. Please, for the all things Holy, just don't interact with Taylor. -, Years ago, Saint had preyed on Dragon, shutting off her ability to connect to her satellite network, using several of these same mechanisms to slow down and hamper whatever mech or device she was inhabiting. [92][167] Thus, she appears to favor the shotgun approach when confronting blind spots. Scion was still engaged with the Endbringers in Gimel. Theres thinker powers that mess with her ability to influence events. But we cant reach them. -, The Machine Army was entering the trench, scurrying into the trench, into the dust, where his sensors struggled to read things with the ten kinds of background radiation and-, They don't want people leaving the planet they're working with. [48] When Fortuna and Contessa worked in concert to quickly execute a path without investigating it too much, the Simurgh could not tamper with it, forcing her to leave. One silver eye, and one perfect silver orb in a badly tarnished silver skull framed by wisps of hair. Thank you. She. It meant they stayed on the fringe of the Simurghs power, the volume of the keening song as low as they could hope to keep it, and it meant there was one less cardinal direction that any creatures could approach them from. Torso was running around like an idiot. [173][174][175] In close proximity, the Simurgh's signal strength is at its strongest;[176][177] her signal strength is at its weakest near the edge of her active scream range. Where enough different strikes intersected enough times, that which lay within broke away, falling back to reveal something else on the other side. I simply cant envision their towering, nightmarish forms anymore when all I see staring back at me is their concerned eyes. The future is awfully big. A collection of plot-bunnies from various fandoms that I'm mostly putting here for my own reference, but figured maybe one or two might get an intrigue out of a person. -. Its not that easy. The data focused around him. Awakening his quirk at an unusual age of 14, made even more unusual with it appearing due to the quirk being gained through a phenomenon that's known as a "Quirk Triggering", what will our fluffy green-haired child do with his newfound abiilities? Messages From An Angel Taylor talks to the Simurgh via PHO I believe. [267] Her flight is not dependent on her wings;[30][303] however, by pointing her wings directly behind her, she can become more aerodynamic. Coil, the Undersiders, the Empire, New Wave. The video feed fritzed momentarily, and I could see faces in the crowd flinch. Later, after her sibling Leviathan was used to punish The Elite, she upgraded him. She was subtle. Warbling, with highs and lows. Even Sphere's moon base was probably doomed from the start. -, The screaming was getting worse. Her creator was an administrator of the highest order, and she had been selected out of a pool of emergency resources. There's No Way My New Little Sister Can Be The Simurgh! To go to war against her creator. Her first mission was to fight off The Yngbn.[324]. Weve learned from mistakes. I predicted the end of the world. -, She worked backwards, deciphering the events that brought this reality about. [] (Or, as in the case of String Theory, Endbringer cooperation/timing would keep her from ever being able to set up a proper hit). - Wildbow on Reddit, archived on Spacebattles, And I should stress that weak points arent necessarily just areas which are geographically vulnerable. Fair warning, some of these cut off in weird places, because they aren't at a realistic stopping point yet. Ziz. Not a crippling flaw, and a difficult flaw for others to use against her. This guy said she has a weakness. It was the Simurgh that offered the most clues about what the Endbringers did in their periods of dormancy. Precognition, I guess? -. The younger sister needs only a tremor, the very same wavelength their oldest living brother received. We had enough big guns that she was still taking a beating, but it didnt feel like enough. Things she cant see. I saw the Simurgh block Crystalclears thrown crystal with a bit of debris.

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