yuriko edh primer

I've loved this card in other tribal decks, and think it could have a great home here. Thank you so much for reading through my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! Fifthly, since we care about dealing damage off the top of our library, being able to manipulate that with Scroll Rack type of effects are a huge bonus. After several iterations and countless edits, I put Vela aside, realizing I just couldn't get excited about the direction the brew had gone. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Uncategorized, slime, Deck EDH Examples, Yuriko, Uncategorized, Fave Primers, Cool decks, Commanders, Commander, Interesting decks, Commander, cEDH ideas, Favorites, cool decks, edh, Yuriko, MTG EDH, Favorite, ninja, New commander decks, Playtest Opponents, , Decks, optimised, decks, concept deck, dimir, Commander, Deck, Commander, B, Epic, to proxy, General Decks of other People, Commanders, Yuriko - Personal, Carla cEDH, Mono Blue + Dimir Decks, EDH, Commander Zone, DecksToPlay, EDH Primer, Nice, EDH Commander, Decks to create, Ninjitsu!, Fun Decks, Yuriko, Commander / EDH, Commander, competitive scene, Commander Decks, Commander Decks, Commander, EDH, Yuriko Improvement, EDH decks, commander decks, Yuriko, Intriguing Decks, definitely, Yuriko, To Buy, hh, adsasd, possibilities, Uncategorized, Copies, Favorite Decks, Interest, How to hopefully not die, CMDR, Deck Ideas, zIdeas, Decks I Like, EDH, EDH, Interesting, Ideias, #1 Inspirations / Ideas, Commander Decks, ? I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. The gravity of Ninjutsu on Yuriko cannot be overstated, as it almost guarantees that we will be able to have her on board at any time as long as one of our little creatures can make it through (they don't even need to be a Ninja). The only thing better than Yuriko triggers, after all, is multiple Yuriko triggers! Tempo It's another copy of the original Sakashima the Impostor and Spark Double, but it also let's Sakashima's Student become a Yuriko clone, and thus has an additional upside. As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. Not everything we are playing is a haymaker and our lands will deal no damage, so these cards take the uncertainty out of our game. HOW GOOD IS YURIKO IN cEDH? - Play to Win Deck Tech - YouTube Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Of these, Arcane Adaptation and Conspiracy are our best options, as they change the creature types of the dudes in our hand. I like what Regent offers this kind of strategy, but as I cut towards a leaner curve, Regent didn't seem to fit. Sensei's Divining Top, Scroll Rack, Soothsaying, and Lim-Dul's Vault all are in the deck to help us get what we need, to smooth our our draws, and to get Yuriko's triggers to do what we want them to do. The ninjutsu cost of Ninja of the Deep Hours is a cmc of 2, which is a much better rate than hard casting it, and which avoids summoning sickness. Many of the evasive creatures we're including also have card filtering applications. I've recently made a Twitter account @theKnowledgePL, and I'm planning to update it with whatever I'm working on next. Commander offers us a variety of effects that grant our dudes evasion or unblockability. We are in blue, and that means we have access to Rhystic Study. What's the best cEDH writing, including primers, that you've read Unblockable, "If you can see my ninjas, they can see you. The MVP of the extra turn category has to be Temporal Trespass: It has the third highest cmc in the whole deck, and I've found myself having enough cards in the graveyard to cast it easily in the late game. Primer Nonetheless, we're going for a higher ninja count at the moment. Attention! For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. Yuriko 2022 cEDH Ninja tribal it is actually happening - YouTube Unless it's an emergency, we're probably not using any of our creature lands to cheat Yuriko into play, but once we have a Ninja enchantment on board, they each represent more card draw. Could you give me some advice on which cards are worth adding to my pile (~10-20 per card, not too many), which cards I could / should remove for the cards in the sideboard and general advice on the deck? While our creatures may suck, they do a very good job of agoing unblocked, and ultimately, that's all we care about. Lord Windgrace would make sense because of my fondness for lands. The following primer will be extensive and have a good amount of detail, and some of the earlier sections will explore the evolution of the deck from release till now. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/IQMMoWTVcU6U1bTb-2epvA. Sacralifia 1 minute ago. While he'd still be better than Throatseeker because of his damage alone, he still doesn't make the cut. This week we're taking a look at Yuriko in cEDH!MOXFIELD - https://www.moxfield.com/YURIKO DECKLIST - https://www.moxfield.com/decks/AvvPQMehv0eejejUeySkAgD. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) - EDHREC Once we go up a step in size, we begin to notice some more significant abilities. I still need to find a place for it though. Archidekt link: https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, Tappedout link: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. We still have Arcane Adaptation for this purpose, but with Neon Dynasty we're better off just playing more and better ninjas. These decks still run ninjas and win with Yuriko triggers and extra turns, but they play far more instants and sorceries, employ stax and infinite combos, and a whole suite of very expensive (in real-world $) cEDH staple cards. We'd also like a way to make all of our creatures, including enablers and tokens, into ninjas, which is why we are running Arcane Adaptation, Conspiracy, and Maskwood Nexus. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. This will allow us to ninjutsu our other ninjas onto the battlefield, and more importantly, get Yuriko back ASAP if she is destroyed. 0 0 31. A good set of removal spells is essential for any commander deck. In the early game, a card like Phantasmal Image can copy our Tormented Soul to give us an additional body, while in the later game it gives us the chance to enjoy our opponent's Blightsteel Colossus. This deck has a very low land count compared to most other EDH decks, so we need our counterspells to be as efficient as possible. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Ninjutsu is one of those rare activated abilities that function from your hand, in this case during combat whenever you have an unblocked attacker. For instance, I've included Mox Amber because Yuriko will almost always be on board, but I've neglected all the other moxen (Chrome Mox, Mox Diamond, Mox Opal) even though they would probably be potent here. I always lacked inspiration, and I would force myself to brew various commanders in the hopes of being surprised by the final result. That being said, some still opt for this approach, and if you are interested in playing a deck like this you can watch a sample game here- https://www.youtube.com/embed/kLvDlCm30MI. This isn't to say that Yuriko is merely a worse version of Edric. I wanted to create a UB deck that got value out of each attack, and used Vela's Intimidate anthem to ensure I could push damage through. However, he doesn't have evasion himself, and costs four cmc to cast, which is a higher rate than we would want for this type of creature. Yennett - Odd Cost Tribal Commander / EDH. A consideration I made while building this deck was how to keep opponents from simply "cracking back" and killing us with their own dudes after we've attacked. Unlike most commander decks, our "mid game" starts around turn 3, the turn after getting our first Yuriko trigger. Primer edh1.10 ~ Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow ~ Ninja ~ Budget EDH Over time I want to get those blinged and autographed since it's my first deck. Therefore Vampiric Tutor, Mystical Tutor, and Lim-Dul's Vault are quite a bit stronger than Personal Tutor and Scheming Symmetry, but they are still reasonable inclusions. I finally got to play enough games with the new cards from Kamigawa that I feel confident enough to update my decklist. The first mtg precon I ever bought was the Ninjutsu theme deck from the Kamigawa block, and I soon picked up the black ninjas to make my favorite casual deck. I already did some changes, e.g. Beyond these, our one-drops are mostly included to pester our opponents and enable Yuriko. Discord Server | Both Swan Song and Spell Pierce can't counter creatures, but we don't care much about creatures anyway. Some players still adopt this approach, and while it has a lot of variance, it can definitely be fun. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Kamigawa stuff! But I still might put him back in some day for old time's sake. At one point, cards like Thassa, God of the Sea were included in this list, but as I whittled the deck down, I began to realize that focusing on an "Edric" style of attack would likely be the best course of action. We want these to be evasive so that they are unblocked, and low cmc so we can get them out early to enable our ninjas, and then redeploy them the same turn if possible to use them to enable still more ninjas. While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC But with more testing, I believe the tempo advantage they provide is enough to outweigh this downside. Whisper lets us dig two cards deeper on demand, while Arena will help us slowly accrue more value as the game goes on. Four of these effects is too much, Nexus is strictly better and a different permanent type than the others (and can be tutored with Whir of Invention, Arcane Adaptation is better costed and Conspiracy is more flavorful and in a different color. In the past, Yuriko was a disruptive general due to the lack of immediate win conditions. Tabletop; Arena; MTGO; Tabletop Tabletop Arena MTGO. As long as we have any of our Ninja enchantments active, Coat of Arms will provide gigantic increases in power to our team. Yuriko Hishimi ( , Hishimi Yuriko, born June 10, 1947 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress. Tutors find the cards you need, end of story. Attention! Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive is great because he also grants evasion to most of our ninjas, which is awesome. But we still have two ways to do it- Spark Double and Sakashima the Impostor. I either do this by multiplying the ninjas on the field (changelings, [[conspiracy]] effects, or [[mist-syndicate naga]] tokens) or multiplying the yuriko triggers ([[sakashima the imposter]], [[spark double]], and potentially [[phyrexian metamorph]]). This site is unaffiliated. On the primer you can read more about it. Have at it! I like the high ceiling Door offers, and unlike Coat it's a non-symmetrical ability. At first, I was reluctant to include these cards. Given that our deck is devoted heavily to having Ninjas on board, redundancy in these sorts of effects is paramount. Temporal Trespass and its imitators are great. Cutting one of the original ninja legends was a sad thing indeed. But, being able to deal that much damage when put on top of your library using something like Vampiric Tutor or Brainstorm has game-ending potential, and I don't think I could live without them anymore. Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut They also function as enablers for Yuriko in your opening hand. The UB color combination has always been a struggle for me in Commander, in large part because I could never find a commander to match my personality. A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. Some enablers that I used to play in the past but just barely miss the mark are Sage Owl, Spire Owl and Augury Owl. As such, the only thing Yuriko really has to fear is being stolen with Control Magic spells and abilities or hit with an Imprisoned in the Moon type of effect. I have tried being able to manipulate the top deck, but I can't figure out the mana to do it repeatedly. Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive is a weird inclusion in this deck. It turns out that blue and black have trouble with most noncreature forms of removal. The key thing to note here is that even if a card only costs 5cmc, if we get even four triggers we've wiped out half of each player's starting life total. I suggest running [ [Conspiracy]] over this. 33 lands? In this deck the best card is, This is where we win the game! I'm debating taking [[fallen shinobi]] and [[scheming symmetry]] out as it's been pretty expensive and risky to pull off. You can easily tone it down by cutting the free counterspells like Fierce Guardianship, or by cutting the one mana tutors such as Vampiric Tutor. Ertai Planeswalker. In order for me to include one, it has to have an extremely strong ability. However, for us, the tutors that put cards on top of our deck have an added utility. Ramp is one thing that Yuriko decks are not very good at. We want to spend our mana on our turn using ninjutsu and manipulating our library, so it's too much of a burden to pass with more than 2 untapped lands. Your goal is to play Yuriko on turn 2, get ninjas in play while deploying some stax pieces to slow your opponents, and manipulate the top of your library to maximize the damage she deals with her ability. Once I have the chance to test this deck extensively, I'll have a better idea of what tweaks would make this build more effective overall. They effectively negate the "return a creature to hand" cost of ninjutsu, which allows us to further our game plan without having to take one step back, so to speak. Fourthly, any ninja gets us a Yuriko trigger regardless of any other abilities, so Arcane Adaptation effects that make all of our creatures ninjas can win the game in a moment. Let's get something out of the way now: Yuriko wants us to build a deck based around Ninjas, but of the ~10 available Ninjas, quality is limited. This is extremely important because your opponents can't destroy your ninjas to stop the damage: It's already too late for that. I'd really like to have a battle-cruiser, mid-, and high-level, trio of combat centered decks with unique approaches to how they win. However, my playgroup is particularly hostile to Rhystic Study. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Introduction As an avid budget deck creator, I took it upon myself to help the players that don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a card game, and still want to destroy their friends and have fun doing so as well. Ninjutsu We might also want to grab the best card on the deck. I think this is why I originally put in [[aminatou's augury]]). For a long time, this category was split in two sections. Yuriko can be built with a variety of power levels in mind. Primer Yuriko Pivot cEDH - A deck created using Of our 30 creatures, 27 of them have natural evasion. These interactive ninjas allow us to control the board and maintain our proactive game plan at the same time. The longer I brewed, however, I began to realize that quantity was probably more valuable than quality, since our tutor count is so high. At the time we only had seventeen ninjas, so in addition to a little help from Arcane Adaptation and its functional equivalents we ran Mirror Gallery and a tons of Clone cards with the profligate goal of copying Yuriko herself for fun and profit. Also: No ramp at all? Or maybe Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle so I can try to unlock that hot 12/12 body. Achieved #36 position overall 2 years ago. Yuriko is almost always the fastest deck at the table. Format: Commander . Apparently Krikk has been winning the tournament nearly . Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Commander) Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow. He also has the added benefit of being able to give our ninjas evasion, which is great. The last card I want to address is Paradoxical Outcome. This process lead me to Edric, Spymaster of Trest. Aside from the Yuriko deck, I've been trying to find more ways to interact with you all. Of course Force of Will is the best of the best, but Misdirection and Force of Negation are super powerful too. Almost more important than our evasive creatures is the ability to turn them into Ninjas. Given that our creatures are so cheap, replaying them shouldn't be an issue. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Sorcery (4) 1 Drawn from Dreams 1 Invoke the Winds 1 Reduce to Dreams 1 Soul Transfer Instant (9) 1 Assassin's Ink 1 Hero's Demise 1 Hinder 1 March of Swirling Mist 1 March of Wretched Sorrow 1 Mystic Reflection 1 Narset's Reversal 1 Reality Shift 1 Return to Action Artifact (8) 1 Arcane Signet 1 Dimir Signet 1 I'll probably add it if I can figure out what to cut. I really like how Clones scale in this deck. This is great, because our opponents can Swords to Plowshares Yuriko all day, and we can still get her back with a blue and a black as long as we have an unblocked attacker. I have a Watery Grave left I added, pulled Mana Drain from Commander Legends which I have added (why were there 2 tapped lands? Of my excursions into UB, the deck that got me most excited was Vela the Night-Clad. During the mid game, we mostly want to put our "high cmc but still interactive" cards on top, such as Submerge or Force of Will. Personally, I like to play to win, and love to optimize every deck that I play. In essence, your opponents think your attacker is something, only to find out its really a ninja in disguise! Support us . We'll draw a card off of every dude we play (and we'll be playing lots of dudes), and we'll draw off of every attack too. This is largely the approach described in the prior section, where seek to win by using Insidious Dreams to stack the likes of Temporal Mastery, Temporal Trespass, Alrund's Epiphany, Nexus of Fate, and Beacon of Tomorrows on top of our deck on our opponent's end step. Ghastlord of Fugue was another creature I originally considered for its natural unblockability, but got cut for its high cost. Tempo As an example, we'll take that most famous member of the tribe, Ninja of the Deep Hours. The first was called Unblockable, which included creatures such as Gudul Lurker and Mist-Cloaked Herald. Given the cost, Ghastlord's targeted discard is a bit underwhelming, and the four power isn't particularly threatening. I've upgraded this deck a lot since it was first created, and you do not need every card on my list to build a strong Yuriko deck! Help | Whenever I'm deciding on a new commander to build around, I look for three things: Yuriko fits this criteria to a tee, so it's no surprise that she's my all-time favourite commander. [ [Brainstorm]], [ [Scroll Rack]], and [ [Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] are all really important. Copied to clipboard. Toothy, Imaginary Friend Commander / EDH. Oftentimes if we have one of these out, a few creatures, and one of our evasion pieces above, we can win in a single turn. Primer edh1.10 ~ Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow ~ Ninja ~ Budget EDH. While stacking your deck with Scroll Rack, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive, and Higure, the Still Wind probably won't win you the game outright, it will help you get into a strong position to be able to do so later. Card Kingdom: $0.00 TCGplayer: $0.00 Export to Archidekt Export to Moxfield . Turns By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We can still play small unblockable creatures, and we can still have our Edric-esque ability, but we're going to have to work for it a little bit, making us inherently less threatening. Yuriko is my all-time favourite commander, and I hope you'll enjoy the deck as much as I do! Contact | Phantasmal Image is whatever we need it to be. This, and the fact that a bunch of fairly optimized Edric lists are circulating the internet, granted him a stigma of being a fairly competitive commander among my playgroup. Sometimes it isn't though, and there is a risk of being blown out and having to rebuild. This is a perfect Bitterblossom deck, as we'll appreciate as many evasive creatures as we can get. Aggro Lastly, Brainstorm and Ponder are already great cantrips on their own, but are especially powerful in a deck that depends on topdeck manipulation. I'm trying to finalize my Yuriko decklist for an upcoming local tournament. Here's a few things that I considered when deciding on removal spells: Does it have a high cmc? Let's take a look at the glue holding this party together. With our creatures, redundancy is equally as important as it was for our Ninja enchantments. Islandwalk is easily the most limited form of evasion among any of our creatures, but I think in most cases she'll have another blue player to prey on. Unnatural Selection: While this is a decent card it eats up a lot of mana. Need advice on a budget cEDH Yuriko (based on Playing with - Reddit This means we're more likely to have more success aiming for a "Ninja-less" Ninja deck, which is made possible by cards like Arcane Adaptation. It's rare for me to get excited about a non-green strategy. The more subtle benefit is that we can tutor for it using the Transmute abilities of Dimir Infiltrator and Muddle the Mixture. This week we get to finally talk about the long awaited Commander 2018 set! I played this for awhile because he is low cmc, and lifelink is underrated in commander, particularly when you are playing card:Bolas' Citadel for value. Based on the title of the article alone, I've spoiled the surprise. Make sure to either time it right or back your play up with your own Counterspell in this case. Ninja Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow : r/EDH - Reddit When I started playing commander in 2017 I was so disappointed to find out that ninjas weren't supported in EDH and there wasn't a good ninja commander that could support the archetype. Insidious Dreams can also just be used as a value piece if you aren't ready to win but want to claw back from being behind. What's particularly excellent about Student is that, in this deck, it's a Phantasmal Image with no downside that counts as a Ninja even if it copies our opponent's Progenitus. But now that we have a critical mass of ninjas, its not necessary to include as many enablers in our deck. When the man comes around Commander / EDH. This was great until Maskwood Nexus was printed. It is ninja tribal in cEDH. lonely sandbar & barren moor, is that cycling good for something? Hi everyone! For this reason the only high cmc cards I am playing generally are those that like Commit / Memory, Temporal Trespass, Temporal Mastery, and Alrund's Epiphany that we'll ultimate cast for cheaper. I like to be able to cast my cards, and as a "mel" I value mechanical consistency. Mothdust Changeling is here entirely because it's effectively a Ninja without any help. Firstly, there were no legendary ninjas in both blue and black, and thus while Higure, the Still Wind might seem like a great general there wasn't really enough support to field a full deck. [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) Like I was saying earlier, extra turn spells are effectively used as extra combat steps. Don't forget, ninjutsu is not affected by commander tax since it's an activated ability! This led me to cut all the 1 mana unblockable creatures, as I believe a 1 mana flyer with a relevant ability is more crucial to our game plan now. Getting more ninjas makes this unnecessary, and frankly provides a more mechanically consistent gameplay. But it's useful to have other sources of card draw, especially when they're ninjas too. The goal is to start the game with one of these 12 on the board so that we can curve nicely into Yuriko. Thirdly, ninjas have great toolbox properties, so employing a variety of tutors helps us to make sure that we have the ninja we need to deal with the problem we have. [[Insidious dreams]] has been the most effective top deck manipulation effect so far, winning a few games on its own. That being said, he makes two thopters that can either make him (or another ninja) evasive, and can enable ninjas themselves. Inkfathom Witch offers us a way to turn our little dudes into a real clock. We need to have a powerful suite of counter magic to back up our ninjas: Casting a counterspell for free is about as good as it gets.

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