10 clans in ghana and their totems

Each of the 12 Ntoro patrilinealclans hasits peculiar family names. Totem clans. ABSTRACT This research seeks to discuss Totemism: its influence on the Akan Youth of Ghana touching on the types of totems, the philosophical and literal meanings of the totems and conservation of biodiversity. When properly utilised, Ghana can earn foreign exchange from people coming to learn about these historical totems of our clans, communities, kings and chiefs. The Ga-Dangmes are one ethnic group that lives primarily in the Greater Accra of Ghana. Since they are not so many members in this clan.The Totem symbol for the Asakyiri Clan is the Hawk. Ghana as a country has a totem which is also called the coat of arms. Other towns are Bekwae, Mamponten, Bogyae, Dadieso, Obogu, Asaaman Adubiase, Pampaso, Kontanase, Kenyase, and Ntonso. It is also one of the oldest kingdoms of people in the country. Fante tribe: Culture, language, clans, food, traditional wear, facts - Yen The Akan Clan System - 1107 Words | Term Paper Example - Free Essays The Akan Clan System. In Asante the principal towns for the Aduana are Kumawu, Asumanya, Kwaman, Boaman, Agogo, Banso, Obo-Kwahu, Apromaase, Akyem Apapam, Tikurom, Kaase, Apagya, Bompata, Kwaso, Akyease, Manso Agroyesum, Manso-Mmem, Manso-Abodom, Gomoa Ohua and Nyinahen. Other towns are Bekwae, Mamponten, Bogyae, Dadieso, Obogu, Asaaman Adubiase, Pampaso, Kontanase, Kenyase, and Ntonso . Guang people. The fascinating history and culture of the Ewe in Ghana, Togo, Benin In some part of the western region, the symbol of the Oyoko clan is rat. They believe their ancestors brought fire to people. When they die members of this clan have their faces covered with leaves of raffia specially woven. Accra Mail. Owing to the destruction of the Atlantic sea waves, Keta lost its place of pride to Anloga which is now the chief city and soul of the Anlo State. Taboos: Totem animal not to be killed, eaten or handled. What comes to your mind when somebody asks you which clan you are from? Learn how and when to remove this template message, Changing Funeral Celebrations in Asanteman, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abusua&oldid=1145161792, Gyekye, Kwame, An essay on African philosophical thought: the Akan conceptual scheme, 1995, This page was last edited on 17 March 2023, at 16:10. The totems are seen as unifying symbols in most traditional areas which bind the people. Heres what we know. According to Answers.com, Using an animal as a symbol to designate a family or individual was a custom native to both Europe and North America. It is worth noting that the commander of the Asante army against Denkyira was the Mamponhene and in the past, generally, matters relating to war in Asante was the domain of the Mamponhene. Membership of a clan carries many distinguishing characteristics in the form of names, food taboos, clan totem which is associated with stories about its origins or their founding ancestors.var cid='5593179472';var pid='ca-pub-2915741758334785';var slotId='div-gpt-ad-ghlinks_com_gh-medrectangle-3-0';var ffid=1;var alS=1021%1000;var container=document.getElementById(slotId);var ins=document.createElement('ins');ins.id=slotId+'-asloaded';ins.className='adsbygoogle ezasloaded';ins.dataset.adClient=pid;ins.dataset.adChannel=cid;ins.style.display='block';ins.style.minWidth=container.attributes.ezaw.value+'px';ins.style.width='100%';ins.style.height=container.attributes.ezah.value+'px';container.style.maxHeight=container.style.minHeight+'px';container.style.maxWidth=container.style.minWidth+'px';container.appendChild(ins);(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({});window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'stat_source_id',44);window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId,'adsensetype',1);var lo=new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent);lo.observe(document.getElementById(slotId+'-asloaded'),{attributes:true}); Totems: Monitor lizard eve, Antelope se and Sparrow atsutsre. All clans have their totems, taboos, and clan cults. It is also the family from which the current Asantehene comes. 10 clans in ghana and their totems The totem animal of the Asenie clan is the Bat. We utilize security vendors that protect and Ye gye wo sen? the Twi-speaking would ask. Already in a survey conducted in the 1940's only 8 % of all married women were or had once been married to a cross-cousin. Cape Coast which is the capital city of the Central region and is one of the historic towns in Ghana's History. Totems: same as Laeif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'ghlinks_com_gh-box-4','ezslot_5',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ghlinks_com_gh-box-4-0'); Clan cult: Tgbi Gbe, Sui, Nyaga, Adebe. The Ewe, meanwhile, hid an elder, Tegli, in a sacred grove to solicit ideas from him. Violation of the taboo will result in madness or your demise. Cultural traits of the Yoruba are visible with the Anlo-Ewe spanning ancestral worship, the worship of deities and divination (Afa Kaka) perfected by the former while in Nigeria. These symbols also demonstrate Ghanaians ingenuity of literature or semiology where symbols are used to communicate. Thus, the woman is the keeper of the family. This is not to say that the other Clans are not as powerful. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. The historical values of totems in Ghanaian societies cannot be underestimated. Their totem is the hawk. Aren't they? Their ancestors were warriors. International Journal of Intangible Heritage, 4(1), 42-57. 3.Agona Clan. Some settled in Dormaa while a section of them headed towards Akwamu. This is the official publishing account of https://www.ghlinks.com.gh/ for all general based post . Klev, is a small local bird which not to be eaten. 1. It is therefore not surprising that Ghana has become the pinnacle of the African continent in many aspects due to its monumental cultural heritage. The traditions and culture of this group are heavily . Mahama donates Ghs10,000 to families of teenagers drowned at Apam beach The main staple foods are made with: Maize - Banku, akple, mmore, dokonu, fonfom and tuo zaafi Rice- Omo Tuo, Waakye, plain rice, jollof rice, fried rice, angwa moo and ngwo moo Cassava - Kokonte, fufuo, gari, plakali, and attieke Yam - Yam fufuo, ampesie and mpotompoto Beans See More, Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. 30 August 2000. I know you are now responding to the greeting or mentioning your clan or thinking about it. It is also necessary to note that Akan clans are governed by a chief. Akan Clans and Totems In Ghana - YouTube 0:00 / 19:51 ACCRA Akan Clans and Totems In Ghana 484 views Jun 30, 2021 Culture is the arts elevated to a set of beliefs .more .more 6. Content created and supplied by: BigThings_News (via Opera He is responsible for providing for the family and protecting it. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you The number and names of Akan matriclans vary in different accounts, but the contemporary Asante usually mention the following eight: Oyoko, Bretuo, Asene, Aduana, Ekuona, Asona, Agona, and Asakyiri. They are also committed to their clans as well as families. The Ewe thus migrated from Ketu also called Amedzofe, a Yoruba town in modern Benin. The Asenie Clan come from Adanse. This clan has its totem to be a Dog and this shows an emblem of agility and promptness and one of the branches of the Ntwaa Clan is the "Abadzi.". It is important to know that the taboo of the Asona is the red snake since the presence of it means death in the family. Other principal towns of Aduana in Asante are Kumawu,Asumanya,Kwaman,Boaman,Agogo,Apromaase,Tikurom,Kaase,Apagya,Bompata,Kwaso,Akyease,Takyiman,Nsuatre,Drobo,Manso-mmem,Manso-Abodim,Ampabame,Danyaase,Akwaboa,Adokwae,Dumaase,Agyamasu,Worakese,Kwaman,Banso,Offinso-Dantin,Kwatwema,Awua-Domase,Amoaten-Gyaakye and Nyinahen. When properly utilised, Ghana can earn foreign exchange from people coming to learn about these historical totems of our clans, communities, kings and chiefs. List of 15 Anlo Ewe Clans, Totems & Taboos GhLinks.com.gh 7.Ekuona Clan. A person can be an Asante or Akan only by virtue of the fact that his or her mother is an Asante and this is because of their matrilineal system of inheritance. Totem: Adzvia, a small brown perch-like fish related to Tilapia Melanopleura (Akpa). During one of such performances, Tegli, himself a mystic, was carried to the grounds where he drew the Sword of Liberation, summoned the gods, and pierced the wall proclaiming, O Mawuga Kitkata, wuwo na mi ne miadogo, azo adzo (Oh great God Kitikana, open the door for us so that we walk through). Towns belonging to the Adako clan include Nsuta,Akokofe,Ntonso,Asaman,Adenko_Gyakye and Kontunase. the wishes of their parents and uncles, whereas in the villages the marriages tend to follow the traditional pattern more closely. The ancestors of the Aduana clan are said to have descended from heaven on a golden chain. The symbol of the Aduana is the Lion and Dog. To Europeans, the animal (or plant) painted on a special background was known as a coat of arms. Lvi-Strauss argues that the use of physical analogies is not an indication of a more primitive mental capacity. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Each clan has certain history and distinctive features. One of these sub-divisions went to found a settlement on the eastern side of River Mono and called it Tado, according to accounts. 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The Ekuona clan were the first settlers in Adansi Fomena. The Akan tribe mostly has seven Abusua (Matrilineal clans) in each state. Published online: 7 October 2011. With the fall of the Songhai Empire (c. 1600), the Mande Ngbanya clan moved south, crossing the Black Volta and founding a city at Yagbum.The Gonja kingdom was originally divided into sections overseen by male siblings of Sumaila Ndewura Jakpa including their children and grandchildren. The ruling families of Akim Abuakwa, Akuapem, and Kwahu Mpraeso in the Eastern Region also belong to the Asona clan. Some people call it 'Ekusi ebusua' therefore members of this clan are called "Ekusifo" in some part in the Western region. 2.Bretuo Clan. They also serve ascommemorative. Volta Region: The Seven clans Of The Ewes. - Opera News "The Akan Clan System." Some clans are constituted by brave warriors and others include skillful craftsmen. The father is the breadwinner in the family. Some Principal towns of Aduana are Dormaa and Akwamu. A Short List of Ghana's Major Ethnic Groups - Christine Bedenis In this paper, I consider major peculiarities of the eight clans and analyze the impact this social structure has on the present life of the Akan people. The Akan tribe have a very strong belief that two elements make them. Tell me what you know about and of these seven clans so we cam all educate ourselves. The Akans have eight Abusua or the family system and every member of the Asante tribe is a member of one of the Abusua and can trace their descent only through the female line to the same female ancestress who would invariably be the founder of the Abusua. They primarily speak the Guan languages of the Niger-Congo language family. n.d.b. There are eight clans (extended families) in the Akan community. Bodomo, A. These characteristic features affect social, political and economic spheres of the Akan people. Newborn Anlo Ewe girls also have their ears pierced on the seventh day and named. According to him, the purpose of the family totem is for identification, adding that the town totems are proverbial symbols which carry a hidden message, doctrine or powers of a king or the traditional area. Bretuo are found mainly in Adansi Ayaase, Mampong, Kwahu, Adankranya, Amprofi Tanoso In some cases, people try to emulate or exhibit the qualities of their totems. The original version of this document may be found on the offical website of the IRB at, Last Updated: Friday, 28 April 2023, 15:24 GMT, 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, 1954 Convention Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, Research Directorate, Immigration and Refugee Board, Canada. Fantes or "Mfantsefo" are one of the major ethnic groups in Ghana, and they are dominant and can be found in the Central region of Ghana. The peculiar characteristics of Bretuo clan is exceptional bravery and aggressiveness.The Commander of the Asante army is the Mampong Hene. The remaining 4% of the Gonjas are Christians. The third group settled in the coastal region of the new homeland. Taboos: Never to kill or eat the flesh of a buffalo. It is important to note that the Akan people honor their ancestors and are proud of their roots. The most respectable people of the clan gather and decide who is worth being the chief (Nkansa-Kyeremateng, 1996). The Totem symbol of the Bretuo clan is the Leopard. 2005 - 2023 Graphic Online | Graphic Communications Group Ltd. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. "The Akan Clan System." I therefore decided to ask students of all levels of education and the responses were no different from the ones I had received. The Akan people see their totem as a kind of ancestor. The result was that other Dukowo like Dzodze, Klikor, Fenyi and Wheta began to identify themselves with Anlo and regarded them as their champion against foreign imperialism. These are Asona, Agona, Aduana, yoko, Asenee, Biretuo, kona and Asakyiri. 3. provides information on the geographical areas covered by the Asona clan of the Asante kingdom, a "polity" of the Akan people (Researcher with the University of Finland 25 May 2005): The eight [Asante] clans are Oyoko, Bretuo, Agona, Asona, Asenie, Aduana, Ekuona, and Asakyiri. Your email address will not be published. I personally had to make some efforts before I was told the meanings of the totems used in the story. Moreover, the chief does not rule the clan by himself. The fifteen clans of Anlo include Lafe, Amlade, Adzovia, Bate, Like, Bamee, Klevi, Tovi, Tsiame, Agave, Ame, Dzevi, Vifeme, Xestofe, and Blu. December 19, 2020, 3:35 pm, Every Anlo male and female is said to belong to one of 15 clans known as hlwo and each clan or hl is identified by a number of paternal line called t-ome.. [1] It is a taboo to marry someone from the same Abusua. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. 16 September. Violation of these taboos may result in the birth of a or python, an abnormal baby having the features of a python. Taboos: Not to breed, handle or destroy a dog, Members are not to be licked by dogs. Mitupo have been used by the Shona people since their culture developed. Are you a Fante? "Abusua and Nton." Adwenadze is one of the seven "Abusuakuw" or clans of the Fantes tribe. Bamee babies must not be anointed with shea butter exposed to naked fire. 2.Bretuo Clan. The Clans of The Akan Tribe. - B Each of the clans have their own names by which the people are identified with. When greeted by a person from the Asakyiri, the reply should be "Yaa Ofori nana". Yaa obi dehye, one lady said, trying to respond to her family greeting, wrongly though. Please like, comment and share for more educative articles. They also make important decisions together. From this, he excludes mathematical thought, which operates primarily through logic. Clan cults: Mama Tmi, Asimatsnu, anyevi, Afmabgetme. Agona Abusua is one of the Abusua of the Akans and towns like Fomesua, Asienimpon, Tree, Tafo and among others are of the Agona Abusua. This clan has its totem to be a Plantain tree that supplies staple food and it signifies excellence and Ambition. A King in Ghana Akan Clans According to Ebusuapanyin Ababio, most of the current generation do not know the importance of the totems and therefore overlook them when they see them. The peculiar characteristics of the Oyoko clan are Patience,Bravery and Statesmanship. The Guan people are an ethnic group found almost in all parts of Ghana, including the Krachi people, language-Kaakye people Nkonya tribe, the Gonja, Anum, Larteh, Nawuri and Ntsumburu . Totems identify the different clans among the Shona that historically made up the dynasties of their ancient civilization. These people are believed to be good at trade. (PDF) Exploring the African Traditional Belief Systems in Natural Many young people see this form of marriage as unattractive because they feel that cross-cousins are more like full siblings than prospective spouses. The known ancestor of the Ekuona Clan is Nana Asante Gyima of Adanse.Other towns of the clan are Banjo,Kona,Asokore-Mampon,Brekum,Kokofu-Abuoso,Adumasa,Heman,Abenkyem and Dua -Yaw Nkwanta. Canada: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. In his explanation, Ebusuapanyin Ababio cited an example where a king in the Central Region used a totem that nearly brought a war between two communities because of the meaning of the totem. 6.Aduana Clan. The Asona peoples totem is the crow. Totems: Are they of significance? - Graphic Online The original clans from HOGBE (Nortsie) were the Kleviawo, Ameao, Lofeawo, Amladeawo, Bateawo, Vifemeawo, Bluawo and Adzoviawo. Importantly, cooperation within a family or between different families is very important for the Akan people. Labi, K.A. These clans are represented with totems known in the Akan language as akyenaboa. Rashes will result from violation of taboos. "The Akan Clan System." https://ivypanda.com/essays/the-akan-clan-system/, IvyPanda. Asakyiri claim that they were the first to be created by God. When a member of this Abusua greets you, your respond should be "Yaa ofori Nana. This clan has its totem to be a Plantain tree that supplies staple food and it signifies excellence and Ambition. For instance, traditional belief systems such as totems and taboos have been successfully adopted to promote natural resource management and conservation in several communities in Ghana (Diawuo . They must not eat etskple. Kona-Ebiradze is one of the seven "Ebusuakuw"(clans) of the "Mfantsefo"(Fantes) in Ghana. Please find below the list of additional sources consulted in researching this Information Request. These people believe their ancestors were refugees from Mande. Opera News furthermore does not condone the use of our platform for the purposes encouraging/endorsing hate speech, violation of human rights and/or utterances of a defamatory nature. They founded Ashanti Kingdom. (PDF) The Socio-Cultural Significance of Akan Totemsin - ResearchGate Totems which are artistically designed by experienced wood carvers and goldsmiths have several implications on ones ethnic identity. While some lived at Tado in present-day Togo from where they later dispersed in various directions, some returned east to settle at Allada from where they founded the Aja kingdom of Allada, Whydah, Popo and Jakin, and later the Fon kingdom of Dahomey in the early eighteenth century. Numbering over six million strong, the Ewe people inhabiting southern Togo, southern Benin, southwest Nigeria, and south-eastern parts of the Volta Region of Ghana are an ethnic group with a patrilineal society governed by a hierarchal, centralized authority. The father and other members of the nuclear family do not belong to the same extended family. Agona Clan - Wikipedia These various clans have their founding Fathers, Various totem animals they use to represent them,their mode of greetings,their peculiarities among others. One Junior High School (JHS) student, Richard Appiah, said totems were the walking sticks of chiefs and linguists. Towns of the Bretuo are Jamase, Apaa, Domeabra, Agogo-Hwidiem, Adankranya, Suhum-Kwahyia, Asiwa (capital of Bosome Freho District) and Abuotem, Ofoase, Brodekwano, Bosomtwe Beposo. Volta Region: Anlo clans and their Totems - Ewe Ghana Correspondence sent by the researcher. Read also 5 fashion styles Ghanaians equate with immorality Source: Redbubble The use of totem dates back to centuries. Generally, the members of the group believe that they are descendants from a totem ancestor, or that they and the totem are "brothers". The Seven Clans of the Fantes and their Totems: The Anona "Abusuakuw" is one of the Clans of the Fantes. A few examples of the totems of the clans in Rwanda are the crested crane, the frog, hyena, the leopard and most of these clans share totems. In some societies, males and females from families or clans using the same totems are not allowed to marry, believing that they are blood relations. These elements are Blood and Spirit .These elements are obtained from your Father and Mother. The symbol of the Asenie is the bat and its main towns are Kumasi Amakom and Dompoase. Below are the List Of Akan Clans In Ghana. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Violation of these taboos will result in rashes. Akans are one of the major ethnic groups in Ghana, and they speak the twi language. Traditionally, the Anlo-Ewe have one supreme God, Mawuga Kitikata or simply Mawu. Why this entrance exam at the British Council gate? IvyPanda, 16 Sept. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/the-akan-clan-system/. Some of the principal towns of the Aduana are Dormaa and most of the Bono people, Akwamu and Twifo Heman. Ivy Benson. The Gonjas have their belief in the Supreme Being, 'Ebore', natural spirits, and traditional powers. People of the same Abusua share a common ancestor somewhere within their bloodline, which may go back as far as thousands of years. Their legendry ancestor, Atsu enya, was reputed to have led the Anlo on their migration to their present country. This is the only clan whose members are occasionally spoken of as actual descendants of the totem animal. According to oral tradition the Ekuona Clan is said to be the clan to introduce the Okyeame linguist into the Akan system where their Chief Nana Awurade Basa of Adanse in the 15th century appointed the first Okyeame. Although totems are popular spiritual symbols throughout the global society, their use in textile design is not so pervasive particularly in Ghana (Steven and Salm, 2006;Studd, 2002 and Von Stamm . The Akan people live in the coastal and forest areas of Ghana and Cte d'Ivoire. How many clans are in Akan? It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. IvyPanda. The matrilineal system of inheritance is very common among the Fantes as they claim to have separated from the Asantes who also practice this system of inheritance. When greeted, the reply should be "Yaa Obiri nana". (Tanoso - near Akumadan) Amoafo, Asiwa, and Afigyaase/Effiduase. Akans are one of the major ethnic groups in Ghana, and they speak the twi language. However, cross-cousin marriages are still practised, among the chiefs in particular, although in their case the marriages tend to be "ceremonial" in nature and the spouses will not actually live as a couple. The chief is elected from a group of candidates eligible by right of membership in a matrilineal descent group in which the office has been vested. Aduana contemporary states are Akwamu, Asumegya and Kumawu. The 15 clans are Lae, Amlade, Adzovia, Bate, Like, Bamee, Tovi, Klevi, etsofe, Agave, Tsiame, Am, Dzevi, ifeme and Blu. TOTEMISM: ITS INFLUENCE ON THE AKAN YOUTH OF GHANA. - Afribary This is not a UNHCR publication. They are to be found in the Adanse area and their main towns are Akorokyere (Akrokere), Asakyiri Amansie, Ayaase, Obogu Nkwanta and Asokore. Totem: The totem of the Aduana Abusua is a Dog. The different Abusua are the Agona (parrot), the Aduana (dog), the Asenie (bat), Oyoko (falcon/hawk), the Asakyiri (vulture), the Asona (crow), the Bretuo (leopard), and the Ekuona (bull). They are not expected to look at any part of raffia in the morning. Totems in African society demonstrate the close relationship between people, animals and the environment. As has been mentioned above, there are eight Akan clans. The principal towns are Adansi Akrofuom, Kyebi, Edweso, and Offinso. The Ewe language Ewegbe belongs to a member of the Kwa family of Sudanic languages which constitute a sub-family of the Niger-Congo family of the Congo-Kordofanian language family of Africa. EDUCATIONAL IMPACTS When greeted, the reply should be "Yaa Doku nana". The Seven Clans of the Fantes and Their Totems - Opera News Members must not be held by the ear and if held by mistake, the other ear must be held too. Upon breaking the covenant with God, He pronounced a curse on man and man was taken out of the Garden of Eden. Totems are emblems consisting of an object, animal or 42 FTR Vol. [Accessed 24 May 2005], Nordic Journal of African Studies [Helsinki]. in Fante areas along the coast, the Asanteclanof Oyoko is referred to as Dehyena or Yokofo). Totem: The totem of the Asakyire Abusua is a Vulture.

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