jon venables family background

[9] One of the boys threw the blue paint that they had shoplifted earlier into Bulger's left eye. All rights reserved. In January 1987, the police were called to Susan Venables' home because the children (then seven, five and three) had been left alone for three hours. I came back and then (Mrs Venables) went out. Jon Venables (left) and Robert Thomspon were found guilty of abducting and murdering James (Image: PA) Denise soon realised her son was gone, and an announcement was made over the tannoy. Venables served seven years of a life sentence for the 1993 murder before he was freed in June 2001, aged 18. "In my judgement," he averred, "the home background, upbringing, family circumstances, parental behaviour and relationships were needed in the public domain so that informed and worthwhile debate can take place for the public good in the case of grave crimes by young children.". A narrative emerged of two childhoods influenced not merely by the flaws of parents or the absence of a father, but by the environment in which these boys lived, a Video, On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, Met Gala 2023: Stars celebrate Karl Lagerfeld, Shooting suspect was deported four times - US media, HSBC says 1 bank buyout boosted profit by $1.5bn, King Charles to wear golden robes for Coronation, Yellen warns US could run out of cash in a month. To understand their brutal actions, some have claimed that one of the sequels of Childs Play 1991s Childs Play 3 inspired their behaviour. [145] The critical theorist Terry Eagleton introduced his 2010 book On Evil with the story of Bulger's murder. Yet these are haunted by the fear of being found and blamed all over again. He said he was frightened of Robert's older brother. "Contrary to what the papers will tell you, he is not a little urchin boy. Some of the images involved children as young as two years old and some showed the rape of young girls. Was nurture (or more accurately a lack of nurturing) a more dominant force here than nature? Jon's parents, who sat in court for most of the trial, said they grieved for the Bulgers. Jon Venables in 1993. On 27 June 2011, the parole board decided that he would remain in custody, and that his parole would not be considered again for at least another year. Mr Venables said: "He wouldn't watch horror. [10] One of the boys later revealed that they were planning to abduct a child, lead him to the busy road alongside the shopping centre, and push him into the oncoming traffic. April 12, 2023. Mrs Venables said: "He mentions James, not all the time. Thompson was a member of what can only be described as a terribly dysfunctional family. [128] On 7 February, Venables pleaded guilty to possession of indecent images of children for a second time. It was difficult not to note Ann's sparse attendance in Preston crown court, as her son barely comprehended what was going on around him. Left on her own, Thompson sought consolation in drink and was often to be found in the bar in Higson's Top House rather than looking after the children in her chaotic home. Video, On board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, Met Gala 2023: Stars celebrate Karl Lagerfeld, HSBC says 1 bank buyout boosted profit by $1.5bn, Yellen warns US could run out of cash in a month, Shooting suspect was deported four times - US media, Palestinian hunger striker dies in Israel prison. To many, these two women (the boys' fathers seem somehow to have been absolved of blame) were ultimately responsible for the death of the two-year-old abducted by their sons in the Strand shopping centre in Bootle. Jon Venables' psychiatrist, Dr. Susan Bailey, later reported that 'on visiting and revisiting the issue with Jon as a child, and now as an adolescent, he gives no account of any sexual element to the offence. [109][110] On 23 July, Venables appeared at a court hearing at the Old Bailey via a video link, visible only to the judge hearing the case. [93] In January 2020, a 53-year-old woman from Ammanford in South Wales received a prison sentence of eight months, suspended for 15 months. Neighbours told of pigeons having their heads shot off with an airgun, of rabbits being tied to railway lines, of dawn rollerbooting sessions. Wed Feb 7 2018 - 12:23. "[107][108], On 21 June 2010, Venables was charged with possession and distribution of indecent images of children. Does watching simulated violence, or playing violent video games, actually cause violence, though? [4][95] A spokesman for St Helens Borough Council denied that the incident had been covered up, saying: "All allegations were thoroughly investigated by an independent team on the orders of the Home Office and chaired by Arthur de Frischling, a retired prison governor. The play featured an 18-year-old character called Timmy, who was due to be released from a secure unit after luring a toddler away from his mother and beating him to death. He denied having had any films that were not mainstream, or that were pornographic, in the house. [39] A child psychiatrist, Eileen Vizard, who interviewed Thompson before the trial, was asked in court whether he would know the difference between right and wrong, that it was wrong to take a young child away from his mother, and that it was wrong to cause injury to a child. The first involved downloading 57 indecent pictures of children on to his computer between February 2009 and February 2010. But he also laid blame with their parents, calling for a public debate about "the home background, upbringing, family circumstances, parental behaviour and relationships" of children who commit "grave crimes". Case notes observe that her "serious depressive problem" made Venables suicidal. April 13, 2023. The pathologist's report, which was read out in court, found that Bulger's foreskin had been forcibly pulled back. How [48] This campaign was successful, and Howard announced in July 1994 that the boys would be kept in custody for a minimum of fifteen years,[48][49] meaning that they would not be considered for release until February 2008, by which time they would be 25 years old. "[45] Morland sentenced them to be detained at Her Majesty's pleasure, with a recommendation that they should be kept in custody for "very, very many years to come", recommending a minimum term of eight years. After they left the scene, his body was cut in half by a train. But were these children, as so many have since hypothesised, born evil? In 2018, the tranquillity of the Isle of Bute was rocked by an extremely barbaric murder, the after-effects of which still reverberate today. VideoOn board the worlds last surviving turntable ferry, I didnt think make-up was made for black girls, Why there is serious money in kitchen fumes. Most populous nation: Should India rejoice or panic? In an exclusive interview with, the woman, who must remain anonymous to protect Venables' anonymity, revealed she was "seduced by the devil," and only recently found out that she'd actually dated him. In 2005, when Venables was 23, his probation officer met another girlfriend of his, who was aged 17. [103] A spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice stated that there was a worldwide injunction against publication of either killer's location or new identity. After a number of "young girlfriends", it was presumed that Venables was having a delayed adolescence. A woman has revealed that she discovered that a man she once dated was in fact Jon Venables. The second involved distributing three indecent photographs of children in February 2010, while a third involved distributing 42 images in February 2008. The 10-year-old killers crimes shocked the United Kingdom. He has never really been a truant. They bit, hammered, battered, tortured each other.". Since his release in 2001 Thompson has kept a low profile and done his best to maintain his anonymity. Had he gone on to lead such a life, that might have been the last the British public ever heard about Jon Venables. The judge revealed that Venables had been living in Cheshire at the time of the offences, and that the case was dealt with by Cheshire police and Cheshire probation service. I wish we could turn the clocks back,' Mrs Venables, 36, said. "It was very dark and I shouted down, shouted his name. [101] Baroness Butler-Sloss, the judge who made the decision to grant Venables anonymity in 2001, warned that Venables could be killed if his identity was revealed. When a child kills, we need to look at the parents for an explanation. Some of the grislier details of the murder of Jamie Bulger may indicate this here to a lesser degree, but while that was a working theory of Merseyside Police for a time, its not widely believed to be a motivator now. While his mother Susan suffered from psychiatric problems and would frequently complain of feeling overwhelmed with parenting. [137] Although she had not seen the play, Denise Fergus denounced it as a work that was "just designed to try and shock people and grab publicity" and that "anyone who would stoop so low as to use my son's death as a subject for comedy is sick and pathetic. Early press reports and police statements had referred to Bulger being seen with "two youths" (suggesting that the killers were teenagers), the ages of the boys being difficult to ascertain from the images captured by CCTV. Then in 2007, he started drinking heavily and taking drugs, including cocaine and the recently-banned substance mephedrone. On 23 July 2010, Venables, aged 27, is jailed after admitting downloading and distributing indecent images of children. WebMurder of James Bulger 25 languages Tools James Patrick Bulger (16 March 1990 [2] 12 February 1993) was a two-year-old boy from Kirkby, Merseyside, England, who was I feel so sorry for them. "You look at him and you say to yourself, 'How could you be involved in anything like this?'" [124][125] On 3 September 2013, it was reported that Venables had been released from prison. One of the killers of British toddler James Bulger has been jailed for 40 months at the Old Bailey in London after he Could this factor have been at play here? The writer Gitta Sereny later reported that police were aghast at her for "constantly repairing her make-up" during this dreadful time. He has had security with loving parents and a loving brother and sister.". WebJames Patrick Bulger Net Worth. The Ministry of Justice rejected the call, saying that children over the age of ten knew the difference "between bad behaviour and serious wrongdoing". [4], In 1999, lawyers for Thompson and Venables appealed to the European Court of Human Rights that the boys' trial had not been impartial, since they were too young to follow proceedings and understand an adult court. The order, and its enforcement, is therefore intended to protect not only Venables and Thompson, but also those members of the public who have been incorrectly identified as being one of the two men. Jon's brother and sister both had learning difficulties and were being taught in separate special schools, while Jon himself was hyperactive and always playing up. During the trial, the full horror of James' death emerged. [7], On 2 March 2010, the Ministry of Justice revealed that Venables had been returned to prison for an unspecified violation of the terms of his licence of release. "[55] The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 clarified the rules on the availability of certain types of video material to children. British authorities had reportedly spent 65,000 in legal fees to keep Venables' identity a secret. These locations were not publicly known until after the boys' release. In the weeks and months and years that followed they have been attacked and vilified by the press. If anything, he was the one likely to bully others. Jon Venables was just 10 years old when he and friend Robert Thompson murdered toddler James Bulger. [144], A storyline in Hollyoaks, set to begin in December 2009, was cancelled after the makers gave Bulger's mother Denise Fergus a special screening. He has had more love and attention than a lot of children I know. Could the pair of them have sought out a younger boy in order to gain dominion over him? News stories reported the demeanour of the defendants. Both men were charged with a public order offence, but this was later dropped. During the trial, the full horror of James' death emerged. [106] Chief Inspector Tracie O'Gara of Lancashire Constabulary stated: "An individual who was targeted four-and-a-half years ago was not Jon Venables, and now he has left the area. Both boys were said to have had difficult home lives and both had been playing truant from school on the day of the killing. Neil Venables, 40, said he felt "just devastated, thinking of that little boy'. Jon's parents, who sat in court for most of the trial, said they grieved for the Bulgers. The breakthrough came when a woman, upon seeing slightly enhanced images of the two boys on national television, recognised Venables, and remembered seeing him playing truant with Thompson in the Bootle area that day. so they were put in a lower year. She said that the killers of James Bulger should have undergone "programmes" to help turn their lives around, rather than being prosecuted. Post-trial, presiding judge Mr Justice Morland laid the responsibility very firmly at the feet of the parents. A lifetime ban was placed on reporting anything about either his or Thompson's whereabouts or their new identities after their release. Jon Venables was just 10 years old when he and friend Robert Thompson murdered toddler James Bulger. There were some you or I wouldn't want to see, but nothingno scene, or plot, or dialoguewhere you could put your finger on the freeze button and say that influenced a boy to go out and commit murder. Jon Venables . [89] The sentence was reduced to 2+12 years on appeal. On 20 September 2008, he was held on suspicion of affray over a street fight with a man who claimed Venables had attacked his girlfriend. It is as if she thinks of herself walking around with a sign above her head: Mother of Bulger Murderer. and things like that is that he was frightened. [30] The full trial opened at Sessions House, Preston, on 1 November 1993,[9] conducted as an adult trial with the accused in the dock away from their parents, and the judge and court officials in legal regalia. Venables was There it was bedlam. [27], Thompson and Venables laid James Bulger across the railway tracks and weighted his head down with rubble, hoping that a train would hit him and his death would be ruled an accident. 'I even went up to the railway line because I knew the other boy had a den up there and was on the railway nearly all the time.'. Jon did take the separation poorly, though. Was their upbringing responsible? [4] On two occasions, Venables revealed his true identity to a friend. [13][14] The moment was caught on CCTV at 15:42. "The Thompson report is a series of violent incidents," he reported, "none of them in itself enough to justify the kids being taken into care but the sum of them appalling. Pathologist Alan Williams stated that Bulger suffered so many injuries42 in totalthat none could be identified as the fatal blow. Some of the images involved children as young as two years old and some showed the rape of young girls. Some time thereafter, he began a relationship with a woman who had a five-year-old child; it is not known whether Venables had already begun downloading child abuse images at the time of dating the woman, although he denies having ever met the child. [122], In November 2011, it was reported that officials had decided that Venables would stay in prison for the foreseeable future, as he would be likely to reveal his true identity if released. Mr Venables said that the two boys had played truant together four times before, adding that he caught them twice. They placed batteries in Bulger's mouth[23] and may have inserted some into his anus, although none were found there. [4][21][32] When Venables was let out on parole, his psychiatrist, Susan Bailey, reported that "visiting and revisiting the issue with Jon as a child, and now as an adolescent, he gives no account of any sexual element to the offence. Were the duo shaped into monsters by their troubled upbringings? He was given a new name, a job and a flat on his release to try to ensure his security and give him an "ordinary" life. The editors of The Sun handed a petition bearing nearly 280,000 signatures to Michael Howard, the Home Secretary, in a bid to increase the time spent by both boys in custody. He's quite bright and clever. Please refresh the page or navigate to another page on the site to be automatically logged inPlease refresh your browser to be logged in, Parents of Jon Venables and Robert Thompson talk about their sons, Find your bookmarks in your Independent Premium section, under my profile. Before their trial in November 1993, the press ferreted around the doorways and back alleys of Walton village, Liverpool, looking for any thing that might determine that these two 10-year-olds were indeed evil or the product of evil. [72][73] The Observer revealed that both Venables and Thompson had passed A-Levels during their sentences. Born evil: What drove James Bulger's underage killers? [47], Shortly after the trial, and after the judge had recommended a minimum sentence of eight years, Lord Taylor of Gosforth, the Lord Chief Justice, recommended that the two boys should serve a minimum of ten years,[9] which would have made them eligible for release in February 2003 at the age of 20. The judge revealed that Venables had been living in Cheshire at the time of the offences, and that the case was dealt with by Cheshire police and Cheshire probation service. [57][58][59] The court also held that the Home Secretary's intervention had led to a "highly charged atmosphere", which resulted in an unfair judgment. "[9] Prime Minister John Major said that "society needs to condemn a little more, and understand a little less.

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