murderer of blue skies about vicky

You can bet your ass that release made the IRC and all connected to it a lot more money due to Chriss death than it would have had Chris been alive at the time of its release. He did NOT take more than his prescribed Ativan; if he truly had taken more meds than prescribed, his Ativan level would have been higher in the tox report. I submitted my thesis paper for a criminal justice class earlier this year that covered much of the same information. His name is Tony London. That was around 11:34 PM. Weaver adds in the report that Martin told him that Chris was on the phone with Vicky at this time when IT and Martin were in Chriss room. Her and Josh Browlin seemed rather chummy at the Benefit concert. Marelle Sturrock, 35, was 29 weeks pregnant when she was . I just listened to your Deadmans Tome Podcast. IMO he shouldve been buried in Seattle, where he grew up and lived most of his life. Suicide was declared within those two hours after the reported time of Chriss death. Looking forward to all your writings Renee. Those 4 abrasions found on Chriss neck were the sign of a struggle. Chris DID NOT want to die. It is highly probable that Chris was done with his 1st wife but stayed together for appearances just like he was done with Vicky but held on for appearances while looking else where like the video suggest. Huge names are on that list. (Link: ). Vicky Cornell also has numerous lawsuits against various companies, and this has gone on since before she was ever in a relationship with Chris. And this person, or people, is allegedly responsible for the murder and the murder cover-up of Chris Cornell. Although everything seems to be long forgotten with Chriss suspicious death, the whole truth will be known. Vicky says that Chris was prescribed Ativan, though she claims the medication was prescribed to Chris for shoulder pain that was making it difficult for Chris to sleep. If Im remembering correctly, I think hes an Italian actor. She listens to pop and club music so how would she have ever heard that song, its not like it really got air play and definitely on pop stations? I worried he could have heart attack or stroke. And I cant wait It's been mentioned that discovery of these activities and much other deception led to the downfall of Chris Cornell. Why did they ignore that injury? Yes, you are rightthey will only get away with it for a while. All that blood was present at the scene of a suicide by hanging? (BTW: Its Taylor Momsen who the rumors are about, and she isnt much older than his youngest daughter, Lily. I can't wait Its a sad state of affairs for sure. Weaver said about Chris hanging up on her. So, who is lyingVicky or Martin or both of them? Chriss words and music have meant so much to me for so long Now that hes gone, it doesnt just make me sadit makes me furious! He also worked on that film Far Away Places (2018) that little Tony wrote a song for, the film directed by Tatiana Shanks whose Instagram looks like shes an IG model looking for buyers. Thank you for your kind words! By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. She is in a lawsuit with a law firm that won her and Chris $300,000 but she never paid their fees even. Murderer Of Blue Skies. Where did the Fioricet/butalbital come from? What Martin is quoted to have said, about giving the pills to Chris immediately when they had arrived at Chriss hotel room, makes the most sense because Martin had no way of knowing that Chris was going to call him for anything after Martin left Chriss room the first time. Well, the ambulance serviceDMCare Expressthat transported Chriss body from the hotel DID report the head injury in their written report. His brother? Murderer Of Blue Skies chords & tabs. This is completely false. It must also be noted that Vickys Karayiannis family is allegedly involved with escort services and human-trafficking, all linked to a property in Miami that they rent. Those effects also fall in line with what Investigator Weaver wrote in the police report about what Vicky had told himthat Chris had said he was just groggy and he kept repeating, I am just tired, and then he hung up on her and would not answer her calls after that. I applaud you as you take a bow. The Detroit PD and Wayne County ME were both at fault for the most ineffective investigation into the death of Chris. Falling down Then I think since Chris was the bigger cash-cow, she told him the baby was his. Falling down, I cant wait But I will check it out. The entirety of that rant goes on like this: Anyone can do whatever they want; I dont care what it is, including burning crosses on your lawn. Do you really think he would have approved of their behaviour in this last year in his memoriam? From Chris Cornell's Higher Truth album 2015Photo - Tanner Hower 2008 From time to time I put a lot of time, energy, and love into this for all the reasons, and more, that you stated. was a teenager writing hits and playing on tracks for Jan & Dean when he wrote a #1 hit that got him blackballed. Yes, there is a chance that he could have done what the reports state he did, but the rest of the holes in the case make this question even bigger within the big picture. And only once the weather changed And I cant wait If she really believed those pills had anything to do with Chris death, she would have sued the body guard too and he had some $ due to blackmailing Hedi Klum. Your email address will not be published. So you built a cage for me The case is being explored on ID's true-crime docuseries . And I can't wait Also, in that Twitter conversation prior to my comment, Vicky twists the words of the medical examiner in Chriss case to make them fit her drug over-intoxication narrative. Linkin Park, Chester Benningtons band, was also signed with Geffens label. To lead a life that you're not in Now, first and foremost I must state that with Chris Cornells deathA HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE. No. I assume that a toxicology report tests for every foreign substance in the victims system, and, if Prednisone was not on the tox report, I assume it means that it was not found in his system. I have recently seen something written by a fan who was at the concert the night if Chriss death and said he had got an autograph , also that he had seen Chris in concert 5 or more times . I called the hotel operator and told her that I needed security to open the bedroom door. (She had to get more camera ready for all the PR bs she was planningThats my one bias statement for this piece, and I firmly stand by what I say.). It is clear that Chris and Vicky were fighting on the last night if his life, but who else was his on stage rant for? Of course Chris was groggy and tired; he had two different medications in his system to relax him and help him sleep. Chester and Chris were best friends, and Chester was the Godfather to Chriss son.) Thanks again! I think being a sensitive kid who grows up in the world of adult relationships, my tendency has always been to allow myself to accept responsibility for everything, Cornell says. If we add in the allegations involved in this case (i.e. Never thought that falling for you only meant (Her mother has even bullied and harassed me more than once on social media; I had to report her to Instagram for harassment.) I do not have actual proof, only things in my research that point to the possibility. Or so and then went on his way .I believe there was a picture of Chris along with this statement from the fan. Greed is destructive in a relatiinship. I can't wait Did they not see if Chris had a grievance with someone before his death? (Link Here: But Martin Kirsten claims that he was able to kick through that lock all on his own, with his own physical strength. . [Martin] arranged for hotel IT to bring the remote that provides access to the hotels network. The official reports also state that no suicide note was found at the scene. If my husband died, I would have done just like Epsteins brother and hired an independent Med. To dissect that Detroit News article a bit more, Vicky says that the head injuryor gash or laceration or bald spot. Did they not look to see if Chris had confided in someone via email, text, or social media messaging? Every single line is about her and how she had conned, decieved, controlled and caged this patient, warm hearted , loving empath who lived for his family , his children, more to the point .Extremely vulnerable when entrapped by Vicky the trained from infancy predatory opportunist. Weaver is that bad at his job that he overlooked getting that statement? I have read your 2 Blogs only now and I can not thank you enough for writing them. . Scan this QR code to download the app now. think it's a ballad for a woman and his tenor vocals really are pwnage here, Thank you for replying to my comment and again my deepest respect for your research. No, Prednisone does not appear on Chriss tox report, but does that mean he was not tested for it? I read they meet in a bar (he was to old for her even then wasnt she like 22) but his friends didnt like her, thought she was unattractive, hence they gave her the nickname Troll. I can't wait He shouldve been buried near one of his homes near loved ones. . Chris suffered so much in the end and no one was there to helponly to destroy and fight with and leave behind a very talented and gentle soul. With the combined effects of both Ativan and butalbital, it would have been extremely easy to overpower Chris in such a compromised state. And it is not the first time that Geffen has been accused of trying to have someone killed; he has also been linked to working with and financially backing known and convicted pedophiles of Hollywood. I will get to that damning fact in a moment. Also, Investigator Weaver wrote in the police report that Martin went to Chriss room at 12:15 to check on him, and the report also lists that the time that the first responder (the hotel EMT) arrived to Chriss room was 12:56 A.M. What was Martin doing during those forty-five minutes? If she had truly been unhappy with the investigation right from the beginning, she never would have had Chris cremated and she would have demanded that a more thorough investigation take place. No. It must also be noted that Chris, a month before his death, had not only visited a refugee camp in Athens, Greece, and he also had a tour of the U.N., which obviously involves some of these billionaires he speaks of in that concert footage. Were they still on the phone when Martin went to Chriss room? 2011-2023 - Free Lyrics from A to Z. Would love to see reports. Send me a message and I will send the reports back to you. (Vicky has gone on record to state that Chris had gone home between his May 14th show on Mothers Day and his final show on May 17th to spend time with the kids.) Casey White's felony murder trial for the death of Vicky White is currently set for June 12. This is highly suspicious. Former nurse Vicki Jensen was convicted of killing her estranged husband's former girlfriend, Aleta Diane Ray, with a lethal injection. Granted my daughter was my mini-me when she was little but my son looks nothing like me or my husband now but looked just like my husband when he was born. A police watchdog has launched a probe into the death of a heavily pregnant teacher killed by her partner in a suspected murder-suicide. When there is evidence of someone lying, it makes it very hard to believe anything that person says after that first lie(s) is revealed. I must let you know that Vicky is a publicist. But what exactly were those two pills that Martin had given to Chris? Again, thank you for your comment, and thank you very much for reading my work. And thank you for your comments. Weve done well in music, but honestly in our last 30 years Im not really friends with anybody thats a billionaire or that owns a business that is worth more than all of us put together and doesnt give a shit what happens to us. From time to time Now their son.he looks nothing like either parent of any of Chris brothers or sisters. love the lead electric in the bg and the overall song map Did Chris Cornell find out about Geffens links to the sex scandal in Hollywood? Did Chris take Fioricet knowingly? Many of us fans see that these two men were suicided by people wanting to shut them up. anyways i really think it's about confiding and Knowing his woman to a brilliant point and then the fall from grace in the relationship (whoever may be to blame, Chris' heart was always there..) and the way that he was placed in a role of deception rather than liberation .. even in the song you can see he knows the other's position but this is surely a rock poet's ballad for the ages.. Did Geffen have Chris Cornell killed to protect himself, and potentially to protect other people Geffen is affiliated with? Shes a soulless person. Geffena person with enough money and enough power to facilitate such a cover up, and the third person in the list of suspects that I mentioned in the beginning of this report. If nothing else, these bodily injuries and evidence of a struggle show that a thorough homicide investigation is how this case should have been handled, but, as I already stated above, suicide was declared in less than two hours. It has a long half-life (35 hours), which makes this drug an intermediate-acting barbiturate; that means it was introduced to Chriss system within 35 hours before Chris died. Allegedly, Martin was previously bought by his ex-girlfriend Heidi Klum back in 2014. Empaths are also drawn to narcissists and thidnwas the case here. He assdored and loved his children so much. . He was married to each wife for about 13 years. We do not have the answers as to where that drug came from and how it ended up in Chriss system, but it is not out of left field to say that Chris was potentially drugged. I must say, these are my suspicions and allegations. The numerous questions I had asked back then are still yet to be answered, and all the statements and actions by his widow, Vicky Karayiannis Cornell, since his death have only put more questions in peoples minds. How did they know? It has been a year since Chris Cornell, my biggest musical inspiration, was pronounced dead on May 18, 2017 at the MGM Grand in DetroitRock Cityafter performing a concert with Soundgarden, and here I am writing a follow-up blog to the one I wrote only days after his death (Here is the link: :// ) to tell you that there are even more questions left unanswered in his death investigationan investigation that seems to have ended prematurely with the all too easy clich-ruling of suicide. esp even as he got a bit later on in years.. what a legendary grunge singer songwriter Again, the description of the scene sounds and looks more like foul play and suggests that a homicidal hanging took place that night, not a suicide. More and more people are opening their eyes to the evils in this worldevils done by people who claim to be good. Ativan is a benzodiazepine and it is most frequently used to treat generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Vicky has been claiming for the past year that those two Ativan are what made Chris unknowingly take his own life. Vicky is the "Murderer of Blue Skies" It is not me making things up. - The Other Stories, Lambigua Vicky Karayiannis vedova di Chris Cornell Musica e Anima Lo sconfinato mondo musicale, Facts About all the Doorknob _"Suicides"_Murders - Malum In Se, New Gig: Podcast Co-Host with London Blue Presents. The Detroit PD is unwilling to tell the public why they stand by their suicide ruling. And I wont break Its super easy, we promise! I mean look at his lyrics. Lionel Richie hosted the American Music Awards the night he recorded "We Are The World.". Now her daughter is free to go make some other man miserable. Crime scene death investigation is a huge interest of mine. It is also said that Chris and the Troll separated in late 2016, he was already involved with someone else (that I have not been able to verify although there were rumors of Taylor Mumford who was on tour with Soundgarden, and that his brother had to pick his body up because of legal matters do to divorce papers!!!! Chris Cornell is known for founding the Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation, a foundation to help raise money for disadvantaged and abused children. More than just Geffen, more than just Vicky Cornell and Martin Kirsten are on that suspect list. Was a day that I wont forget I [Martin] went back to my room and called for hotel security to come and open the door. Toni looks Greek like her mother but she has Chris bright blue eyes. Why did Martin not tell Vicky that he had to tend to her husband, try to save his life, and that he would have to call her back with an update? Butalbital is a sedative that makes the user relax and it causes sleepiness. There is blood spatter on the side of the bathtub. That blood spatter is not a sign of a suicidal hanging; it is the sign of blunt force trauma. He and Toni look very much alike. Here is a crime scene photo of the blood spatter on the side of the bathtub. . I applaud you as you take a bow The other info you mentionyes, I, too, have heard about all of that. It is important to note that with the release of the music video for Chriss song The Promise, for the movie of the same name, (which coincidentally was released, per Chriss request, on April 20, 2017World Refugee Dayone month and two days after his death) was set by Chris to have all proceeds go to the IRC. Back to Chriss on-stage rant: Not only did Chris sound angry during his final concert (refer back to the rant I referenced above) on May 17, 2018, but in previous concerts he had also shown a lot of anger toward a small group of billionaires who run the world. Thanks again for your comments and your interest in the truth behind all of this. I am not accusing anyone of anything; I am just showing that the list of suspects is much larger than at first appearance when looking at the case of the mysterious death of rock legend Chris Cornell. I always listen to his music on a daily basis and will continue to in the future. How can they say with certainty that there was no note if they never took Chriss phone or computer into evidence? I went inside and the bathroom door was partially opened and I could see his feet. Investigator Weaver asked Martin what happened next, and Martin stated, I saw the red band around his neck, he was on the floor. It has also added more questions. That head injury, along with the blood running from Chriss mouth, the blood spatter on the bathtub, and the nine broken/fractured ribs he hadYes, Chris had nine broken ribs.are clear evidence of foul play, and this evidence makes it clear that a thorough homicide investigation should have been conducted. That Detroit News article, along with the information Amy claims to have, places a dark shadow over all of Vicky Cornells actions and words. I must repeat that a little louder: A HOMICIDE INVESTIGATION HAS NEVER TAKEN PLACE!!! Again, the bodyguard is someone who is paid to protect their boss/client at all times, which means that nothing like a laced drink should get passed the bodyguards knowledge. You know more than I do. The sheriff's office did not realize the two were missing until 3:30 p.m. Friday, when the booking officer reported he was unable to get ahold of Vicki White and her phone was going to voicemail. Had Vicky not immediately cremated Chriss body further bodily investigation could have lead to more information for a more clearly defined cause of death, and the head trauma could have been confirmed. Now, I will go through police report with a fine-tooth comb and point out the multiple discrepancies I have found. Moving on from the drug talk, Martin states in the police report that after he had gone to his own room, Chris called him and said that the Apple TV was not working. People change. And one-handed CPR is a half-assed life-saving action. I cant wait to never be with you again, Now, the truth will set you free Told me to let you in Chris Cornell released his latest solo album, Higher Truth, back on Sept. 18. I will gladly send you the reports. That doesnt make any sense. Any definitive scratches, . 2023 Billboard Media, LLC. I cant wait to never be with you again The detective on the case, Investigator Charles Weaver of the Detroit PD, only took two statementsone from Vicky Cornell, Chris's widow, and one from Martin Kirsten, Chris's bodyguardand Inv. Again, I ask why not? But it seems that what YOU loved most was his money, workhorse . The music video for ZZ Top's "Velcro Fly" was choreographed by Paula Abdul. Most men dont like being alone so its no surprise that he could have had a girlfriend. His poor wife ,whom he was still married to at the time was oblivious to all of this, but Vicky knew exactly what she was doing and shock horror suddenly she was pregnant and the trap was snapped shut on him . Chris was not prescribed that medication; Vicky Cornell, his widow, has gone on record (in a Detroit News article published on May 15, 2018) to say that it was not prescribed to him. Intriguing insight which is not off base at all. a voice that will sing til the end of time. Weaver goes on to state that Martin went to Chriss room at 12:15 AM to check on him, which means Martin went to Chriss room immediately after Vicky had called Martin. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Mysterious Death of Rock Legend Chris Cornell: The Blue Skies Murder. Everyone close to Chris urged him to get a paternity test when he first found out Vicky was pregnant, but he refused. Chordify is your #1 platform for chords. Who cares? I hope they dont get away with it. point to manual strangulation. (link: Manual strangulation, also called throttling, is asphyxia produced by compression of the neck by human hands. (Link: ) Though a homicidal hanging is difficult to accomplish by one person, it becomes much easier to carry out if the victim becomes unconscious by injury or by a drug. (link: All I seek is the truth, the Higher Truth. Do you think it could be true? Also, the toxicology report came back in less than a month, which is very fast in the grand scheme of toxicology reporting, and the results tell us that Chris Cornell was not over-intoxicated, nor did he have any illegal substances in his system, nor did he have any alcohol in his system. Watch: New Singing Lesson Videos Can Make Anyone A Great Singer You flew in on the wind Was a day that I won't forget Told me to let you in And that I would not regret it But you had a touch as cool as rain And only once the weather changed Murder of blue skies I can't wait To never be with you again And I can't wait To lead a life that you're not in And I won't break Though I may bend From . He does not mention anything about her sounding worried for Chriss wellbeing, or about her being worried about how Chris was acting when he was on the phone with her, or about her being worried that Chris was on drugs. And I just recently saw a claim by someone that says they play basketball with a couple of the Detroit PD that were at the scene, and this person says that Chris had the broken ribs BEFORE CPR was conducted, and that he had 2 gashes to the back of his head. I also do not believe that he killed himself. I believe there was ample room in the bathroom in the suite to have emergency personnel work on him. Again, it clearly states in the police report that his [Chriss] face [was] covered in blood spatter and on the floor of the bathroom is a large drag mark of blood and there [was] blood spatter on the side of the bath tub. Coroners ultimately ruled the singer's death suicide by hanging. How did Investigator Weaver miss it? Also, the Troll has been suing everyone and anyone from the second this started but she never filed a suit against the body guard that supposedly handed him the pills she claimed caused this, NOPE. Case closed . It does not sound like Martin was actually trying to save a life, which make me wonder if he already knew Chris was dead. The U.N. is also the organization that, back in 2015, started working with producers to create a series of short films that include The Promise, documenting the Syrian refugee crisis, etc. Right from the start, the first thing Martin claims happened, and there is no evidence to back it up. ", David Bowie Leads the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Long-Haired Men. I can't wait It takes about 20-30 minutes for the onset of Ativan to take place. That was around 11:34 P.M. Weaver wrote in the report that Martin said that Chris took those pills for anxiety. Still with lots of pain and I dont want to believe that Chris is dead and the guilty people get away with murder. (More about that claim in a moment. I am not accusing David Geffen of anything here; all I am saying is that he is a person of interest in the Chris Cornell homicide investigation that STILL NEEDS to take place. When police find a dead body where suicide is suspected, they first need to rule out homicide as the cause of the death before a ruling of suicide can be declared. the list of suspects in Chriss murder grows exponentially. The empath subconsciously believes they are restoring balance when realistically they are just destroying themselves . Also read that Christophers father is Jerry Cantrell, but I guess this is just a rumor. P.F. Now the media needs to start reporting the real news, the true news, not what the BIG WIGS pay them to report. It was also reported in the Observations of the scene section of the report that Chriss face [was] covered in blood spatter, and on the floor of the bathroom is a large drag mark of blood with a red rubber resistance band with black handles laying across the gathered blood. She claims that when the ME wrote drugs did not contribute to the cause of death that what he really meant was that the drugs were not the mechanical cause of death. Vicky Cornell and Martin Kirsten are not rich enough or powerful enough to buy such silence in order to facilitate such a murder cover-up; therefore, Vickys and Martins silence was allegedly bought. ), and it was reported by the EMT of the ambulance that transported Chriss body. No need AT ALL! Why was that injury not reported? Martin goes on to state in the police report that, Upon entry [into Chriss hotel room], I found the bedroom door locked. See the screenshot below. Even more blood was reported in the Event Report; MEO Investigator Angela Anderson-Cobb states in her observations of the scene and the surroundings, The deceased, an adult white male is lying supine on the suites bedroom area having been moved there to facilitate resuscitation efforts prior to my arrival on the scene. Non-lyrical content copyright 1999-2023 SongMeanings, Javascript must be enabled for the correct page display, 2 idiotic comments . If we add in the allegations that Chris wanted to change musical direction and management, David Geffen would then fall into 2 out of 8 suspect categories. I never had a chance to meet him, but he helped me so much through his music and words. Was Fioricet the 2 sleeping pills Martin had given to Chris after that last concert, rather than the Ativan? And I want to thank you for all you have said! Before I go any further, I want to first say thank you to a few peoplewhom I will not name due to their fear of the repercussions from Vicky Karayiannis Cornell and her mother Toni Karayiannis (Toni Vasil on Instagram) and whoever else is allegedly behind Chriss deathwho have helped me gather all the evidence that I am about to unleash and who have given me much needed support along the way.

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