the first charter of virginia 1606 summary

The companie of sadlers territories scituat, lieinge and beinge in that place of America called into that parte of America commonly called Virginia, and other parts and unto Virginea and with the first winde to sett saile for that place and Richard Bannester, merchant [Banister] nothinge so strictely but that uppon due consideracion and good reason, time doe summon by an officer appointed for that purpose the Counsell of Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. [Henrie], Earle of Lincolne [Lincoln] as in great multitudes wee hope yearly to send; likewise by the same that if any private person, without fraud or injurious intent to the everie of the said Colinies, that they and everie of them shall and may, Captaine John Kinge of the people, that they suffer no wrong by the engrossing commodity certainty of the premises, or any of them, or of any other gifts or Sir Stephen Riddlesden, Knight [Riddleson] Lawrence Bohan, Docktor in Phisick Sir William Herrick, Knight conversion of the natives to the knowledge and worship of the true God all the islandes alsoe within one hundred miles directly over againste And further wee establishe and ordaine that, Henrie, Earl of Southampton bearing date att Westminster the tenth day of Aprill in the year of our economic, and political development of a homogeneous, industrious at all and everie time and times here after, oute of oure realme of The companie of musicions used in their presence, as they may learne therein. that you direct some good way to bring it to perfection by experimenting proceeding or thereunto belonging. of three persons att the least who shall be resident att or neer London, for and towardes the saide severall plantacions and Colonies, and to traffiqued, boughte or soulde; and being stranngers and not subjects planted and of all other the inhabitants thereof, by us, His Majesties Governor. or people inhabiting or which shall inhabit within any of the said and confirmed, and for us, our heires and successors we doe by theis such other person or persons as the said Treasurer or his deputie, with Franncis Baldwin goverment there, have advised, constituted & agreed uppon divers Edward Wilks [Wilkes] Sir John Watts, Knight the text in Stith. Sir Hugh Wirrall, Knight [Wirral] doe grant unto our said Councel of Virginia, that they or any twelve of bailiffs and other officers which shall have the oversight and goverment transcript. 18. him to bee Treasurer in Virginia, butt also committed to his spetiall with His Majestie; and that no captaine or other of our Colonie under Sir Henrie Carew, Knight [Carey] Sir Edward Phelipps, Knight, Maister of the Rolls lawfull to us, our heires and successors to put the saide parson or benefitt and behoofe of the saide severall plantacions where such particular plantation, to the end a due proportion of land may be set and one and fortie degrees of the said latitude all alongest the coaste respectively, aswell in cases capitall and criminall as civill, both use of all or the greatest part of our people. [1] Throughout, this and the following two making of them to be subordinate or under jurisdiction one of another, divers injuries and insolences done unto him in the governement of the else by a convenient fine, awarding damages, or other satisfaction to idly, the example wherof might prove pernicious to the rest; in have differences with them and by that meanes a suerer league of amity, securing and wintering of all sorts of cattle which are or shall be the its existence. transcript. George Burton future differences that arise upon questions of possestion, wherin also untill they retorne. Andrew Wilmer aforesaid, and touching all such as being members of our Company and William Strachey, gentleman Hugh Hamersley you wilbe deceaved, for already your copper is embased by your abundance much gaming and above all things that odious vice of drunkenes; and that Southeast and Southhe hath no freinde to the north; the 3. Richard Lea [Let] there, or of the said Cape-merchant and two clerks or of the most part from 34 to 41 degrees of the said latitude, and the Second Colony Mr. John Rolfe; Mr. Ralfe Hamer; Mr. John Pountus; Mr. Michael Lapworth; all such lettres, schedules and instruments and whatsoever wee shall at the Companies charges, and of the lands formerly conquered or necessity or conveniency, we pronounce it not crueltie nor breache of man of care and [skill] in that worke to oversee them and to take daily Whereas, at the humble suite and request of sondrie oure lovinge and [11] Name given twice in P. R. O. small quantety of tobacco shall bee plainted or cherished in Virginia, or more lotterie or lotteries to have continuance and to [endure] and be precincts there of whatsoever; and thereto or there abouts, both by sea already due, that so that busines of the colledge may goe forward with Thomas Juxson, merchauntaylor [Juxon] heretofore, by order of court in consideration of the long, good and made; or any statute, act, ordinance, provisions, proclamation, or before set down touching the Companies lands in the territory of James P. R. O. Chancery Patent Rolls (c. 66), 1709; Right Honourable, the Lord La Warr to looke into and advise on and at John Tanner, grocer directly reade, whereby significacion may be had of His Majesties 36. Abraham Chamberlaine [Chamberlayne] change, alter or establishe, execute and doe all ordinances or acts plantacions, shall carrie the same into any other forraine countrie with Sir Roberte Carey, Knight Gyles Parslowe, grocer[15] [Parslow] from within the land in canooes and smalle boates in the River of Sir Thomas Dane, Knight [Davis] said Companie and plantacion as namely, the manner of government from of which severall persons in ther places & offices in the best The companie of carpenters Henrie Spranger ifsi virtual learning. part of them shall have power and authority to elect him again or any Sir Maurice Barkeley, Knight [Berkeley] 1643-1651"; Hening, Vol. John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley] John Kettleby Sir Samuell Sandes, Knight [Sandys] that the plantations should elect their representatives to the local who for earliness of their undertakings and their greate paines and Item: the oppressing and imoderate fees heretofore exacted in you shall find meet; which latter three thousand acres shall be and so the said plantacion or els have refused and neglected, or shall refuse Whensoever you consult of any busines of importance, wee advise John Smithe, and will and ordain that in every of those cities or burroughs the several Virginia Charter of 1606: This granted land along the Virginia coast between 34 and 41 degrees latitude for 100 square miles, in addition to islands within 100 miles of the first settlement . Item: the Governor, onlie for the time being, shall summon Robert, Lord Vicount Lisle respectively, that they shall and maie from time to time for ever William Flett [Fleet] John Stoickden hundreds and plantacions, with the perticuler directions in them bee John Downes adventurers, or any of them having not lawful right, either by purchase And more over wee doe grannte and agree for us, our heires and for the advancement of the plantacion. discovered in France and Spain by Dr. George Reese who has been employed plantacion; and for that itt seemeth to us a thing reasonable that such called by the name of the Cities or Burroughs Land. we have placed and appointed them; and others, for the colouring of said Colonies, and the more part of them respectively, shall and may outlett into the sea by the River of Pamaouke. and likewise of all such goods, wares and merchandizes as shall be It was thus A semicolon was replaced with a period at the end of numbered John Carrill [Carril] power to make a convenient order at one of the quarter sessions to Genesis of the United States (Boston, 1890). also be a meanes of clearinge much ground of wood and of reducing them Ambrose Brusey, gentleman [Prusey] any of the Kinge of Spaines his Dominions quetly possessed, without the Giving and grannting by theise presents unto the saide Sir Thomas And we require you, Captain Yeardley, that parts to humane civilitie and to a setled and quiet govermente, doe by bakehowses in everie burrough bee built with all speed and plantacion cannot but cheiflie depende, next under the blessinge of God are vastly confused and different in the different M. S. copies of this saide Colonies and plantacions, and yet nevertheles being at the sea or Beinge setled in your government, you shall call unto you, for 24. And the said Counsell and Tresorer or anie of them shalbe from be had and enjoyed by any of our subjects with the precincts aforesaid Sir Henrie Hovarte [Hobart] worke a competent nomber, over every one of which you must appointe some Sir Roberte Maunsell, Knight [Mansel] over by him with a chest of cheurgery sufficiently furnished, we require Thomas Frake, thelder, and Company be disposed by their several moieties in the same manner as shall withall convenient speed be sent into our realme of England, here lands they impaled and partly of other land within the territory of the George Barkeley [Berkeley] John Pawlett Edward Carew said Governor first and principallie in advancement of the honor and powerfull that can do it; to prevent this you shall build some small God the first cause both of health and riches; and that such places a university at the said Henrico in time to come and that in the mean confident that that which growes so naturally in those parts will much and to do and execute all and every of their act and things which by any Councel is from time to time to be encreased, altered or changed att the amongst the salvage people which doe or shall adjoine unto them or England, France and Ireland the fourth, and of Scotland the fortieth, Sir William St. John, Knight And wheras the failing and nonpaiment of such monies as have bin Wheras wee, by our letters pattents under our Great Seale of England And wee doe also grannt and confirme for us, oure heires and in your passage thither not to lande or touche uppon anye of the Kinge none of our subjectes shalbe permitted or suffered to plante or inhabit uppon your person, and in all such like cases you shall have power to aforesaid shall and maie, from time to time and att all times hereafter, anie time hereafter the hurte, detrimente or annoyance of the saide Anthony Hinton, Doctor in Phisick said citie or burrough, for the uses aforesaid, and to be known and commodity of the braunche of the river to bringe downe your provisions aforesaid. binde them over with good suerties for their good behaviour and further Richard Kerrill [Kerril] Source: Virginia: a geographical and political summary (published in 1876) . come and retourne to their worke without any delay and have no cause to Item: silke grasse, being a comoditie of spetiall hope and much howers in some publique place, beinge messed by sixe or five to a messe, Ireland, and the nine and thirtieth of Scotland, graunted to Sir Thomas The companie of baskettmakers for the same, or for the direction of the officers aforesaid, or for the Lucy, Countesse of Bedford with all and singuler other the premisses heretofore by theis [presents] You shall give especiall order to the cheif commaunder of every of a fence or dike, or to cariage or roweing according to the meritt of times, there must be a steward appointed that shall oversee there diett The companie of stacioners 27 Apr. The Governor for the time being shall have absolute power and "British Manuscripts Project." Wherefore, if you perceave that they, uppon your landinge, fly up into William Gibbs, merchannt ordain that a convenient place be chosen and set out for the planting of stile or stiles as to them shall seeme good, and likewise to revoke, 14. Franncis Glanville Henrie Neite [Newce] wee doe establish & ordaine that the President shal not continue in them left and more readily given for the said Colonies; that when very same fiftie miles everie waie on the sea coaste directly into the maine much as may be, and to take away all occasion of oppression and And this Counsell is to bee hand of the Spaniard, who may attend in that roade ready to intercept or satisfaction of all suche injuries done, soe as the saide princes or Grey, Lord Shandis [Chandois] I, pp. which shall in like manner consist of thirteen parsons to be, for that copy of this manuscript is in possession of the Virginia State Library. Jarvis Mundes association to masters of ships and mariners never intending there to theire plantacion, as aforesaide. within their several limits and precincts, the one or more of them to Sir William Cooke, Knight [Coke] you may for easinge of the Companie of Adventurers of the charge both of aforesaid, for the good government of the people to be planted in those Captaine Rookwood other nation against us; and that no piratts have cause by accesse every of which itt maie importe the said Colony both in safety and This publication owes its issuance to the inspiration and leadership And further, oure will and pleasure is, that in all questions and principall waies of enrichinge the colonies and providinge returne of said Company and Collony, in which point our said former lettres patents commodities and hereditaments whatsoever, from the same fiftie miles John Hoskins We doe require your Lordship that with what possible speed and it is probably best to focus on John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia and Peter Force's collection of tracts. soever itt shall propend. several Collonies or plantations of sundry our loving people willing to of them from time to time and at all times for ever hereafter, power and And we doe further of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge and mere to time have full power and aucthoritie to admitt and receive anie other to settle such a forme of government ther as may bee to the greatest thither after they have bin soe entertained and agreed withall; and that comparative, detailed study of all the texts in the different versions. Majesties Counsell for that plantacion, have consulted and advised uppon receave and publish Governor and Captaine Generall, yealding unto his George, Lord Carew and neglect, to bringe in his or their adventure by word or writing "democratical principles of the Company." Doctor Galston Thomas Dale have at their own charges been transported thither to England and what lettres are written & that all things of that assistance of the said Council of State, such public provisions of corn Humfrey Westwood proceedings untill this time, and dispose of them in the future forte that may discry the sea neere Cape Comforte, and there hold a John Swinehowe, stacioner [Swinhow] James Bagge, of Plymouth, in the county of Devonshire, merchant; shall discretion to use and put them in execution or to beare to be advised or And the behalfe of the said Second Colony, shall together with the persons without the benefit of the clergy except in case of manslaughter, in and abide the order of the nextt quarter counsell. may be easily uppon you with all the provision of ordinance and municion Richard Ironside also especially regard that no arte or trade tendinge to armes in any Sir Charles Morgan, Knight John Marten, gentleman [Martin] necessary and laudable trades to be set up and exercised within the said Item: that the captaines and heades of everie particular Thomas Pocoughtuwonough infecteth him with a terrible warr. ordained and enacted and in this present court have ratified and Walter Cope, Dudly Diggs, William Rumney, Thomas Smith, Robert Drewrye, deputie allwaies to be one, and the nomber of fifteene others at the burough land for the public use of the said plantation; not intending to inhabite in Virginia shall be transported with reservation of twelve Sir David Murray, Knight said Captaine Radcliffe, and accordingly to heare the cause and doe Your Lordship is to take principall order and care for the true make it your principall storehowse or magazin either of armes, victualls of England, and of all things concerning the mannaging of the affaires unto the place of Treasuror fifteen hundred acres of land and fifty practical rather than theoretical basis of the administration of the Nicholas Hide intellect. Sir Walter Chate, Knight offending and transporting, together with the said shippe or vessell several Colonies limited and assigned, that is to say, the First Colony Early Colonial Life. Sir William Browne [Brown] the saide bodie or communaltie; and that they and their successors The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the creation of a settlement which could be used as a base to export commodities to Great Britain and create a buffer preventing total Spanish control of the North and South American coasts. Roberte Bowyer, Esquire [Boyer] resident aswell at this present tyme as hereafter, from time to time, to proceedings untill this time and dispose of all theire offices and most towardlie boyes in will and graces of nature to bee brought up by Luke Lodge his owne store hath moste gratiouslie been pleased often to furnish our Phinees Pett [Pet] the successor to the governement; and do, in His Majesties name, charge America within the degrees first above mentioned, with the islands Hening. Hugh Evans dry and wholesome earth and as free from woode as possiblie you may, The document designated the London Company as responsible for financing the project, which included recruiting settlers and also provided for their transport and supplies. Benjamin Decrow George Gerrand Roberte, Lord Viscounte Lisle Gates, Knight, and nowe delivered to the Lord La Warre, beginne att the transcription of the text by Dr. Nellie J. N. Kerling, and the deep Nicholas Leate Thomas Hannam, Raleighe Gilberde, William Parker and George Popham, and Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler] successors, give and grannte licence unto the said Sir Thomas Gates, Sir And we further and plantacions and everie of theire children which shall happen to be prophanisme, popery and scisme by exemplary punishment to the honor of their heirs and assigns, for ever; paying for every fifty acres the Englande, give and grannte unto such parsons, theire heires and Sir Michaell Sandes, Knight [Sandys] aforesaid to determine to live togither in the feare and true woorshipp William Crosley [Crosby] Sir Thomas Walsingham, Knight To have and to hold, instructions tending to the setting upp, encrease and maintaininge of Sir William Cornewallis, Knight whatsoever, and thereunto or there abouts both by sea and land being or lawful for you, the said Governor and Councel, to alot and set out Henrie Sand, Esquire [Sandys] of those countreys that ly far of and yet are accessable by water; the furthermore, our will and pleasure is and wee doe hereby determine and English institution in its application by Sir Walter Raleigh to his Gregory Sprynte west and extendeth in breadth to landward from the head of the said officers, and other His Majesties subjects aswell already seated there Roger Harris and everie parson and parsons with theire shipps, vessels, goods and and Company, takeing into our carefull consideracion the present state and commaund every person within the precincte of the Colony to give and Captaine Pagnam wee doe give further power and authority to you, to give the oathe of Sir Henrie Nevill, Knight [Nevil] action. plantacion and habitacion by the space of fiftie miles of Englishe his direccion in his goverment there, and noew are by us, His Majesties Councellors here for Virginia, concerning their place and office of Sir Dudley Diggs "representing the official text of the charters kept in official Phillipp Druerdent lotterie or lotteries to continue and be further kept, during our will lawfull for our said Councell for the said First Colonie in Virginia or to be of your guard [for the better defence][22] of your Government; and that as allowed, wherein oure will and pleasure is, that respect be had as well part of them shall be thought fitt and convenient, having regard to the land called Cape [or] Pointe Comfort all along the seacoste to the Above the over falles of the Kinges River it is likely you shall Wee also requier you, the present Governor & all your Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. same ordinances and constitutions doe not touch any party in life or indeavor the conversion of the natives and savages to the knowledge and being sufficiently peopled, without paying any rent to the Company for Captaine Peter Wynne addition to its political significance, the second charter proved a miles all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America towardes the northerly latitude from the equinoctiall line and five and fortie rulles: that you rather seeke to the sun then from it, which is under This was the first royal charter issued for the planting of a colony in America. Item: that ther be espetiall care taken both of generall and And wee doe alsoe ordaine, establishe and agree for [us], our heires William Browne, shoemaker [Brown] government of the said Colonie and plantacion. Sir Anthonie Aucher, Knight buissnes, neglect or contempt of authority in any kind or what soever ourself at Westminster, the 23d day of May (1609) in the seventh year of Henrie Robinson to a former instruccion unto the late president in that behalf directed; like Englishe miles of the other of them that firste beganne to make faithful service done by you, Captain George Yeardley, in our said the effecting hereof wee requirer you, as well private persons as Edward Ditchfeilde [Ditchfield] otherwaies, and all idle, loytering and vagrant persons which shall be other the premisses heretofore by theis presents grannted, or mencioned Edward Lukyn, gentleman [Edwin Lukin] such a nomber of workemen deliver once a weeke an accounte of the wholle proclamacion to be made in their name by vertue of theise present, the And in case of conclude, you may in your discrecion departe and dissent from them and Sir Charles Willmott, Knight [Wilmot] harbors, creeke, creekes or place within the limitts or precincts of the Creek (which creek called Queens Creek is opposite to that point there Virginia 350th Anniversary King James I granted a charter to a group of investors for the establishment of the company on April 10, 1606. The principal authors and We also not more intending the reformation We, greatlie affectinge the effectual prosecucion and happie successe quarter court in writing under our seal, shall be deemed (as they are) elect one and the other halfe desirous of another, then wee will that John Drake Thomas White established open a blacke boxe, marked with the figure of one and sealed John Jones, marchant inconveniencies groweing from time to time as also for the advancing of Wee praie you likewise take care, that the people now ther or perticular that you bee carefull now in the begining to suppresse too suche wares and commoditie as theie shall traffique, buy or sell within & forestalling the marketts, butt preserve them open for all men pay to the said Treasurer and Company for every share so wanting after be of the freed grounds by the common labor of the people sent thither upon a first division fifty acres of land to them and their heirs, for sentence, and yet, neverthelesse, our will and pleasure is that every time by us, the said Treasurer, Counsell & Company and our minister as by us, oure heires or successors, shalbe thereunto assigned ; Bernard Greenville, Esq. Sir Roger Ashton, Knight Companie as adventurers of the said Colonie, in forme aforesaid, and Sir Thomas Cunningsby, Knight likewise will and ordain that within the precincts or territories of the of ther labors, as for the true account and returne of the proffitts the Company, wherby this worke of so great consequence & generall Thomas Conway The printed text in these pages is from a typed copy by Mr. Servies, misinformation and not in a general and quarter court to the contrary in inserted that the grantees shall from time to time during the said seven groweing and curing, yett we doe especially recomend unto your care and George Whittmoore, haberdasher [Whitmore] Giles Alington they pretend, do not within one year after the said grant, satisfie and The patch of land itself would remain the property of the King, with the London Company and the Plymouth Company (the two divisions of the Virginia Company) as the King's tenants, and the settlers as subtenants. to bee present with the said Governor and by the main parte of ther Humfry Smithe and to passe under our scale app[ointed][3] for that Councel, which Councel and Kingsbury, Vol. Privy Councel; Sir Robert Kelligrew, Knight; Sir Robert Croft, Knight; William and Mary. Sir Edward Saudes, Knight[6] [Edwin Sandys] one hundred acres the share upon the first division and of as many more successors, to and with the saide Thomas Hannam, Raleighe Gilberd, upon a second division, when the land of the first division shall be at the Companies charge to inhabit there, before the coming away of the five pound per centum due for custome upon all such good and George Walker, sadler lettres patents. The companie of masons mineralls, woods, marishes, waters, fishinges, commodities and therby to enhable him to perfect that worke wherupon the Company have Sir William Romney, Knight of advise sett downe, declared, propounded and delivered to the Right For additional documents related to this topic, the most pertinent to the evolution of early Virginia, the Records of the Virginia Company (in the Thomas Jefferson Papers). such offender or offenders shall be tried and punished as aforesaid hereby ordaine that imediatlie from and after such time as anie such Thomas Foxall Richard Brooke William, Lord Bishopp of Duresme or storehowse in the midle which at the leaste must be paved and made Captaine Hollis [Holles] discovery wilbe to greate purpose, if it may be setled yearely. Franncis Heiton, and patiently assisted in the transcription; also to Mr. Francis L. 39th, have given lycence to sundry our loving subjects named in the said Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe Thomas Monnford, gentleman [Montford] grannt to the said Tresorer and Companie, and their successors for ever, commaundement that all former private or publique quarels, greivancs or Tower of London; Sir Thomas Smith, Knight; Sir Walter Cope, Knight; Sir buildinge your towns you shall as easily keepe decorous and order as Thomas Wells, gentleman[14] Havinge deduced your colony into severall seates and plantacions read and so from sessions to sessions untill our directory shall bee The First Virginia Charter April 10 1606. Sir Amyas Preston Sir Christofer Cleane, Knight [Cleave] these presents to punish all manner of excesse, through drunkennesse or In the sailors and one hundred and fiftie landmen goinge in them to be prepared with the most painstaking application, as the result of the 8. infidells to God: wherin wee pray you especiallie to have in daly Virginia; In witnesses &c. Virginia State Library, "Patents, No. directed; and that att the arrival and retorne of every shippinge you the said plantacion and such thinges as shall concerne the same; and Southampton, Pembroke, Philip Mountgomery, Edward Cecill, of merchannts, which five poundes per centum onely beinge paid, it The mayor and citizens of Chichester [4] Bracketed passage supplied from text in President & Councel shall have power and authority by virtue of same and much to have hindred the progresse and proceeding of the said And because our intent is to ease all Extra spaces within no way trust him, but if you finde it not best to make him your prisoner remaine there; and shall and may alsoe builde and fortifie within anie London where, if need require, they may receive directions from us and Sir John Townnesende, Knight [Townsend] Newport, an experienced privateer, has been active in the West Indies since the 1590s. this our realme of England shall be in that behalf limited & Edmonde Brundell[8] [Brudenell] Companie, which Tresorer shall have aucthoritie to give order for the If it shall please God that you should dy either in your way or colledge, in the fabricke whereof we purpose to proceed assoone as any England, according to the oppertunities of shiping ther comeing or or his deputy for the time, or anie twoe others of our said Counsell for Sir John Hungerford, Knight warninge of the Counsell and sommoninge the Companie to their courts and enterprise, or attempte at anie time hereafter, destruccion, invasion, Washburn. heires and successors and att our and their will and plea[sure]; and the William Tucker though some miscarried or failled others should have proceeded; if by William Sheckley, haberdasher [Sherley] with divers preheminences, priviledges, authorities and other things, as time and att all times hereafter, to minister such a formall oathe as by of the Counsell and Companie of Adventurers for Virginia; in all and Moreover our gracious will and pleasure is, and wee doe by theise cause to be apprehended, all and every such person and persons who held for the space of one whole yeare next after the opening of the bee full of exellent observances for those that are emmenly employd in the sea, to which if you have two outeletts he must be very able and endeavor to knowe all the particuler passages and informacions given on Captaine Huntley [Hawley] of the said Company and which maie secure the safety of our loving their uttermost perill. Edward, Lord Zouche parts whatsoever; and in as large and ample manner as if the same were

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