unwanted blasphemous thoughts about the holy spirit

Gods blessings, Jaimie, Spiritual OCDMoral OCDBlasphemous ThoughtsNasty Thoughts. I've prayed for him to take away my anxiety or to at least answer my prayers, but I'm just left hanging. Unwanted thoughts about God or religion happen to every spiritually inclined person. All these guys made it through. WebYes, Jesus said only one sin couldnt be forgiven, and that was blasphemy against the Spirit (Matthew 12:31). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Thank you for the essay Jamie, much appreciated. Please remember that the above was written by the man who broke through all this torment to bless multiplied millions of Christians. Is it a sin if you have intrusive thoughts? But wait. For more information, please see our The best solution is to change what we believe about the intrusive thought rather than trying to avoid the intrusive thought. We find that in His Word, the Sword of the Spirit is one of our greatest weapons. Blasphemous thoughts are unwanted thoughts that call Gods work evil. After reading it, my mind has been filled with AWFUL thoughts against the Holy Spirit. Today, we would say he performed exposure therapy on himself. I think the translators are right to make verse 26 a question: You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed?, Thats a question. They are the enemy attacking you but remeber you are free in Christ. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Say what you need,not what you feel,or how things appear to look! Web5.1K views 10 months ago. Bunyans great torment lasted several years. At this time, not all people are called to understand who God and Jesus Christ are, the power that They have and the work of salvation that They have doneand it is impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spiritwithout this understanding. Many religions consider these ideas to be sacrilegious. Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees/religious leaders who could see the power of the Holy Spirit working in Jesus as He performed miracles and fulfilled every prophecy regarding the promised Messiah. One of these great temptations seemed to be blasphemous thoughts. ( proverbs 18:21!) Far better news the gospel brings: Unwanted thoughts, no matter how repulsive, are merely pesky flies that refuse to be shooed away. His emphasis on Romans 5:6 lays a foundation for truly learning to overcome blasphemous thoughts. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! Those actions might be considered sinful if the thoughts lead to actions or behaviors. Blasphemous thoughts meaning When you have sinful thoughts, you may have thoughts and ideas that violate your religious beliefs. No matter how clever your attempted bluff, you have no power over me and I am spiritually safe because my faith is in the infinite saving power of the Lord Jesus. Are unwanted blasphemy thoughts against the Holy Spirit Say to the thought, No. While Jesus' teaching about blaspheming the Holy Spiritmay sound like an absolute condemnation of a one-time sin, He was actually warning against a persistent failure to submit to the power of God when one comes into the knowledge of God's existence and sovereignty. If youve never heard of Spurgeon before, just imagine him as the Billy Graham of his day. You had thoughts against the Holy Spirit but have the sense not to say them, so, no, you arent going to Hell because of your unavoidable thoughts. About Blasphemy Of The Holy Spirit Blasphemous thoughts are unwanted thoughts that call Gods work evil. God bless you. Pay attention to your reaction. Also, hearing about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit DEFINITELY doesn't help either, considering that it makes me 10000000x more nervous. Listen to this: Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Pastor John gets to the heart and offers practical suggestions for growing in evangelism. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In this article, we will examine the meaning of this phrase in more detail. blasphemous thoughts At least when you compare between them they seem consistent in the same (followed by an example), "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' To resist that conviction and willfully remain unrepentant is to blaspheme the Spirit. Many Christians have a fear that unwanted intrusive thoughts that are blasphemous in nature are unforgivable (more on that below). He loves to have these open and honest conversations with us about who He truly is and how much He truly loves us no matter what. May your word and your effort rebound on you, and your blasphemies come down on your own head now and in the world to come. To fight against the demon of blasphemy in any way other than this is to be like a man trying to hold lightning in his hands. To blaspheme the Spirit is to reject God even when we know His power and sovereignty. I will share with others. This verse was not intended to bring further despair or overwhelm on anyone struggling with intrusive thoughts. What does it mean that a house divided cannot stand? And here is it.. LOL, From what I understand the pharisees who witnessed Christ's miracles and said they were from satan are the only ones able to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. The path we walk,is governed both by what we say, or speak,and what we do! Satan will try to get us to think unclean thoughts as a way to convince us that we are too sinful to come to God. What are specific Scripture passages that you would direct me to when the hard thoughts about Christ arrive?. Blasphemy We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. Lets take a brief look at how our spiritual forefathers found relief. When you sin against the Holy Spirit then you feel no remorse for sin, sin delights you, and encourages you onwards in your sinful path. Additionally, the level of distress that is caused by such thoughts will vary based on how we view and evaluate the thoughts that were experiencing. I'M SO SCARED. The path we walk,is governed both by what we say, or speak,and what we do! Working with a counselor really helped me. ( proverbs 18:21!) This cookies is set by Youtube and is used to track the views of embedded videos. What is the unpardonable sin? Psalms 23:1-3. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. When you look up the definition of intrusive, it is defined as causing disruption or annoyance through being unwelcome or uninvited. The following is from Charles Spurgeons book, All of Grace. Rather, allow the thought to simply pass. Praise God! What does he say? I Respond to Blasphemous Thoughts God knows what is in our hearts and He knows that ideas of this kind come not from us but from our enemies, This unholy demon not only blasphemes God and everything that is divine. Easy? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. We wrongly believe that the mere existence of the thought means we are bad. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. And a quick definition of shame: shame is a painful emotion that causes us to believe we are worthless and of no value to others or God, unacceptable and worthy of rejection. Unwanted thoughts, no matter how repulsive, are merely pesky flies that refuse to be shooed away. unwanted thoughts The Spirit currently convicts the unsaved world of sin, righteousness, and judgment ( John 16:8 ). Get it out of your face swat it. Yes thats what unwanted intrusive thoughts are in nature. You must log in or register to reply here. Sin and corruption would as naturally bubble out of my heart as water would bubble out of a fountain. Like Bunyan, Loyola also suffered from what would today be called Religious OCD. I had blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit Finally, this emotion will move us to isolate, withdraw and ultimately hide from God and others. The sin against the Holy Spirit is not just to think blasphemous thoughts about the Holy Spirit, but to deny that Jesus is your Saviour even though you know He is. Letting the thought pass would become a skill with practice; taking thoughts captive incorporates saying a new thing to ourselves. Wherever I go, blasphemies steal in upon me. Ironically, the more anxious one is to please God, the more severe the affliction. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Lets talk about how the sequence of events works. Isaiah 12:2, The law was brought in so that the trespasses might increase. In fact a person died because of my pride! The conclusion is: if you are sorry and want to repent then you have not committed blasphemy against the holy spirit! No, I dont want you to start a Scripture-reading compulsion where you begin using Bible verses like magical mantras to make your anxiety go away. That is what I learned my brothers and sister,I read the Word outloud so that my ears hear!!! Besides Satan, our own fleshly nature can do the same thing can send thoughts into our mind. As a result we act on those emotions by withdrawing, hiding and keeping our disturbing thoughts to ourselves. But why then does it make a distinction that speaking against the Son of Man will be forgiven while blasphemy against the Spirit will not? I feel I have battled with these intrusive thoughts for so long that they have completely taking over my life. Blasphemy, or sin against the Holy Spirit, is when you take the true work of the Holy Spirit and you speak evil of it, attributing his work to the devil. Powerful! Name those uncomfortable emotions. to create faith in us! blasphemous thoughts Anyone disturbed by the spirit of blasphemy and wishing to be rid of it should bear in mind that thoughts of this type do not originate in his own soul but are caused by that unclean devil who once said to the Lord, I will give you all this if only You fall down and adore me (Matt. An enemy has done this, you might say either your old self or Satan. And how do we respond? I dont think Jesus accepts that assessment of himself by that man whom he gave the one talent to. Shame is the heaviest emotion of human experiences in my opinion. PrivacyPolicyTerms ofUse. Check out these verses on the amazing grace of God: Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. It was while in prison that Bunyan wrote the book Pilgrims Progress, one of the best-selling Christian books of all time. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. He barely speaks and then vanishes. Unwanted Blasphemous Thoughts Tell God Your Blasphemous Thoughts Bunyan did suffer from what modern-day folks would call Religious OCD, and struggled fiercely against doubt, fear, and intrusive religious thoughts urging him to deny Christ. We know what we need to do. He says to both of them exuberantly, Well done, good and faithful servants. Then he adds something, and this is why I said its exuberant. Typically, these are people who have scrupulosity, also known as religious OCD. A thought is just a thought let it go! They ether die immediately (Acts 5:1-10) or are so fixed in their denial of the Holy Spirit that they don't want to repent. But hes gracious, so he loves to say, Well done., Finally, number three, what if the thought goes through your head, But Jesus does say that the way is hard that leads to life? This means that the presence of a thought in your mind is not necessarily a mark of your own identity in Christ. The thought might be related to one harming themselves or others. He hardly appears and is gone again immediately. I have studied Jesus words very carefully, and it simply means this: To Above I spoke of intrusive thoughts in a very general way. I rebuke you and command you to leave! I'M KEEPING THIS ARTICLE, IT REMINDS ME WHAT TO DO WHEN I HAVE A TERRIBLE THOUGHT. Ironically, the more anxious one is to please God, the more severe the affliction. Be careful not to make too much of thoughts that enter your mind. If we say I will never be able to do this,we will not. It means hard experiences, buffetings and pressings and squeezings till we feel like we cant stand it anymore. Its not necessarily a mark of your new nature in Jesus. He says no test sometimes translated temptation, but its the same word befalls us without grace to endure and escape (1 Corinthians 10:13). Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. LET IT!! I want to treasure Christ above all, but I often fear that I dont, because these thoughts harass me. Youre in the company of many others from ages past who struggled with the same thoughts. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I don't believe anything from the Holy Spirit is evil or anything evil is from the Holy Spirit. Blasphemous Thoughts - A Testimony - Part You must log in or register to reply here. Please share Talk Jesus community on every platform you have to give conservatives an outlet and safe community to be apart of. No matter how hard I try, these awful thoughts against God keep coming to my mind. So, Hayden, preach to yourself that Christ is a happy master. Web5.1K views 10 months ago. Both weapons wielded in the power of the Holy Spirit. WebUnholy Commandments of Sacred Blasphemy 5. Unfortunately, some of the young monks who went to the desert to deny their passions and find holiness through self-denial encountered great temptations along the way. Sexual thoughts can be shocking or make us feel uncomfortable. We must recognize that no negative thought is from God. But Karen, there is hope! The man regularly acclaimed as The Prince of Preachers is even today highly revered and widely read. Therefore they shall be your judges. I have also learned a lot of new things. Are unwanted blasphemy thoughts against the Holy Spirit They were willfully and knowingly calling Gods work evil. Shame and guilt are the feelings that flow from the thoughts. In this video, Kathleen shares in brief how she finally got rid of unwanted intrusive blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit with God's help and by His mercy. I had blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit But what does it mean to blaspheme the Spirit? I felt fine with Him. 2. Blasphemy I was saved but just strugglng in faith. Anyone disturbed by the spirit of blasphemy and wishing to be rid of it should bear in mind that thoughts of this type do not originate in his own soul but are caused by that unclean devil who once said to the Lord, I will give you all this if only You fall down and adore me (Matt. I've prayed so much, but God isn't even listening (well it doesn't feel like he is listening), I'm terrified. Blaspheming the Holy Spirit is a mindset that is firmly set against God and unwilling to acknowledge Him even when one knows that they should. I cannot get away from this horrible temptation.. Blasphemy Remember, research shows nearly everyone experiences unwanted intrusive thoughts, although many researchers believe everyone has thoughts at times that are violent, sexual, blasphemous, bizarre or negative and dark in nature. Everyone includes Christians having unwanted intrusive thoughts, as well. So, basically its say to refuse the gift of salvation God offers. We get stuck battling our blasphemous thoughts because we cant believe Satans suggestion that we are so horrible. Gods Word has been telling us to take thoughts captive long before cognitive behavioral therapy came along, but the two are actually synonymous. And, as Charles Spurgeon and other devout Christians and Bible scholars affirm. Keep putting one foot in front of another. The first thing Hayden should do with the harassing thought that Christ is hard, the way this man says hes hard, is to say to that thought, No, hes not. They register anonymous statistical data on for example how many times the video is displayed and what settings are used for playback.No sensitive data is collected unless you log in to your google account, in that case your choices are linked with your account, for example if you click like on a video. This cookie is used to preserve users states across page requests. If you fail one day, its ok. Get back up tomorrow and keep applying them. Until they recognized that Jesus was in fact the Messiah sent from God, they could be forgiven for not believing in Him. But eventually, he overcame this great struggle of the mind and faith. This cookie is set by Google and is used to distinguish users. Jesus does not demand fruit where he has not sown seed. (I know thats hard, but it is possible. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Well, until big government decided to arrest him for preaching without permission. We also cant control that a leaf floats by us in the river, but we can let it keep floating out of sight, or we can pick it up. Blasphemous, harmful, and deviant thoughts and inclinations are part of spiritual warfare, and we need Gods help to fight them. I cant emphasize enough Everyone experiences intrusive thoughts at times. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". You had thoughts against the Holy Spirit but have the sense not to say them, so, no, you arent going to Hell because of your unavoidable thoughts. Eventually, Loyola was able to classify his intrusive thoughts as temptations rather than something he could claim as his own. I have confessed all known sin in my life, and I have cried out to God repeatedly. They ether die immediately (Acts 5:1-10) or are so fixed in their denial of the Holy Spirit that they don't want to repent. Identify the activating thought. You are a fool. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How do those fit together? God holds us accountable for what we know. Therefore, this verse is best understood as a restatement of the reality Jesus had just pointed out: "Blaspheming the Holy Spirit" means to deny the power of the true God and salvation through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. These accusers were implying that Jesus' authority came from Satan rather than God. Its not an atom bomb. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Mean to Blaspheme the Holy Spirit They ether die immediately (Acts 5:1-10) or are so fixed in their denial of the Holy Spirit that they don't want to repent. What sin won't God forgive? However, if Gods Word calls us to do something such as taking thoughts captive, we can trust God to help us, empower and enable us to do His will. Unwanted thoughts about God or religion happen to every spiritually inclined person. A casual discussion forum - ask questions to Christians of various backgrounds. They dont define you. It seems to me that Satans main strategy for ruining people is by deceiving them, either by seeding destructive thoughts in their minds, or by influencing us to deal with our thoughts in a destructive way. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. My joy for you both has been made full because you both learned a lesson, I did not!! The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin. This cookie is set by the provider Thrive Themes. WebOne is that in Matthew 12:32 Jesus says, Whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or the age to come. If the possibility of forgiveness were taken away only after death, then Jesus would not have said that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable in this age as well as the one to come. You are using an out of date browser. 2 Corinthians 10:45. Spurgeon knew something about the disturbing blasphemous thoughts that torture believers. Paul says, My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). Nobody wants to deal with unwanted intrusive thoughts! It bids us fly and gives us wings. Treat it more like an annoying fly that you need to swat. Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts, images or impulses. One biographer described the pre-believing Loyola as a fancy dressera womanizerand a rough punkish swordsman. But God had a plan for this young man, and after a close encounter with a cannonball that left him with a limp for the rest of his life, he turned to religion. PEACE SEEKER!!! Its just a matter of digging new neural pathways into our brains, and that takes time. * Please keep in mind that some of the redditors here are happy to explain their beliefs but aren't in the mood to get into a debate over them. The word for hard in Matthew 7:14 is afflicted, beset with all kinds of pressing, hard experiences in life. I thought you said it was hard. Man it's tough being Catholic, I don't know what to do anymore. Death and life are in the power of the tongue! Someone who may have clinical anxiety or OCD may have an unwanted intrusive thought and are more likely to view their thoughts as bad, immoral, shameful, sinful, etc. (Psalms 119:169-176!!) Holy Spirit He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Struggling against these thoughts would take up hours and hours of time each day. For a more detailed explanation of what it means for blaspheming the Holy Spirit to become the unpardonable sin, please see What is the unpardonable sin? Jesus says that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable. Or Isaiah 64:4: From of old no one has heard or perceived by the ear, no eye has seen a God besides you, who acts for those who wait for him. Who is a God like you, who works for those who wait for him, who carries our burden? Second, the real picture of the master in this parable is found in Matthew 25:21 and Matthew 25:23, where he is thrilled with the first two servants, one man with five talents that became five more and another man with two talents that became two more. I read all of both parts you wrote and can amen them!! Hebrews 7:25. Instead, we must look at the entirety of Scripture. Blasphemy Next, we will experience emotions from the thoughts. IT IS A REASSURE THAT I'M NOT THE ONLY PERSON SUFFERRING. WebThe scripture says, No one who speaks against the Holy Spirit will be forgiven. I cannot get away from this horrible temptation.. It took 5 years of fighting my old self and trusting fiercly in Christ before the Lord delivered me of it. Anyone disturbed by the spirit of blasphemy and wishing to be rid of it should bear in mind that thoughts of this type do not originate in his own soul but are caused by that unclean devil who once said to the Lord, I will give you all this if only You fall down and adore me (Matt. In whatever need you have to deal with, the pressures and squeezings and hardness of life, God will provide all you need. I have been delivered from blasphemous thoughts that for 3 years now, just keep praying through it. Speak so you hear!! Blasphemous Thoughts Against Holy Spirit Certainly, nobody desires to experience lustful thoughts or violent thoughts. Let me say a quick three things about this situation in the parable. I feel a little better now. Making my life an unending nightmare and now Im officially so insecure that I can no longer seem to connect to anyone and focus on there physical flaws. In 2 Corinthians 9:8, Paul says, God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. God does not load his children with burdens and then watch to see how they do. Im really struggling with intrusive blasphemous thoughts.. but my sin is that Ive worried that much, dwelt on them, trued tl work out if I meant them or did on purpose etc, to the point where they are triggered so easily and I feel like Ive thought them (said them in my head) and agreed with the thought, so now I think Ive completely blown it with God, when I didnt want these thought in the first place.. Im a mess.. Hi Karen, I get where you are coming from. Dont you think that means protect you from the destructive effects of harassing thoughts that take root in hearts and minds? God gave us his Word not to read!!! Blasphemous thoughts meaning When you have sinful thoughts, you may have thoughts and ideas that violate your religious beliefs. 30 Apr 2023 15:53:35 Are intrusive thoughts sin There is no pardon, either in this age or in the age to come, for a person who rejects the Spirits promptings to trust in Jesus Christ and then dies in unbelief. It stops the prayer of many and turns many away from the holy Mysteries. Remember, these are just thoughts and we can let them just pass. I renounce you.. As a result, fear, guilt and shame can become overwhelming. Will a professing Christian go to hell if he never shares the gospel? I feel numb and insecure and it seems like the light in my eyes has gone. Blasphemous thoughts are unwanted thoughts that call Gods work evil. So in summary, satan putting blasphemous thoughts into the minds of Christians is not unusual or uncommon. If we say I will never be able to do this,we will not. The strength in Spurgeons argument is that nothing can rebut the truth that when we were without strength, Christ died for the ungodly. I appreciate your recommendation of these blogs because I am always searching for OCD blogs. What is your response to those emotions? Your email address will not be published. Unwanted Unwanted thoughts of any kind are thoughts promoted by the enemy of our souls. Well, here is the short answer If unwanted intrusive thoughts are causing you much distress, you are likely attaching meaning to a thought that means nothing. For more information about how blaspheming the Holy Spirit can becomethe unpardonable sin, please see What is the unpardonable sin? 4. THANK YOU! Blasphemous thoughts meaning When you have sinful thoughts, you may have thoughts and ideas that violate your religious beliefs. As Christians, we navigate all things related to mental health through the lens of His Word. 4:9). Ultimately, facing and objectifying these thoughts allowed Bunyans anxiety to decrease enough that he could ignore and overcome the blasphemous thoughts. This cookie is set by doubleclick.net. After reading it, my mind has been filled with AWFUL thoughts against the Holy Spirit. 4:9). Every burden that he gives, he provides grace to lighten our load. Blasphemous Thoughts: The Ultimate Guide But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God,surely the kingdom of God has come upon you" (Matthew 12:25-29). These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. These observations I hope will change Haydens or anybodys perception of Christ as a hard master. In fact, you didnt know that I was a hard man. Research shows that nearly everyone experiences intrusive thoughts at times. Beyond Forgiveness: Blasphemy Against the Spirit Often I fear that I am the wicked servant who said of the master, I was afraid, because I knew you were a hard man (Luke 19:21).

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